Стажування у школі англійської мови

Запрошуємо на безкоштовну підготовку талановитих студентів та випускників 2016 – 2019 року за програмою Всесвітньої організації “Прикладне навчання” з подальшою можливістю працевлаштуватись. Навчання відбувається у Києві.

Заповнити заявку та отримати більше інформації можна тут.

Більше про школу

English Prime – is one of the biggest Language schools in Ukraine. It was founded 13 years ago. There are more than 2500 students studying at the moment at our school, and this number rises every week!

We are the school of SPOKEN English, and our main GOAL is to teach our students to speak English fluently and without any efforts. Our students are adults, who need English now to receive a better job offer or to move abroad. We help them to achieve their goals in the shortest period, and we do this successfully over the years.

At first, we are going to teach you the most effective methods of training.

You are going to:
– become a professional trainer of English;
– develop your communication skills, control and problem-solving;
– choose the office, which is the nearest to your home / university;
– choose the best working hours, which suit your agenda and easily combine your study with professional growth at our company.

Higher Education and professional experience are NOT obligatory!

Obligatory: high level of English, self-development and self- improvement orientation!)

We have 7 large offices in Kyiv: m. Universitet, m. Lva Tolstogo, m. Pechersk, m. Olimpiyska, m. Obolon’, m. Pozniaky, Troeshchyna.

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