Короткострокові візити до Нідерландів

Академія Deusto International Tuning Academy пропонує гранти на короткострокові дослідницькі програми, пов’язані з вищою освітою. Програма розрахована на аспірантів, які досліджують теми освіти, науковців зі ступенем кандидата наук, викладацький склад університетів.

Дедлайн – 21 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The International Tuning Academy has been established with the aim of making the results of all Tuning and Tuning-related projects accessible to the academic community and stipulating research on Tuning-related topics. The present call is launched by the Deusto headquarters of the Tuning Academy: Deusto International Tuning Academy (DITA).

Types of candidates/Eligibility criteria

The Short-Term Visits Scholarships can be granted to:
1) young researcher enrolled in doctoral programmes elsewhere and focusing on a topic related to DITA’s current priority research lines (see above);
2) scholars holding a PhD and currently actively engaged in post-doctoral research on a topic related to DITA’s current priority research lines (see above), and
3) university staff not usually involved in research activities but interested in conducting research on one of the four topics.

There are no limitations as to country of residence, nationality, age or gender.

The only formal limitation is a high level of English: selected candidates need to be capable of producing a high-quality academic article in English and of making their end-of-stay public presentation in English.

Application procedure

In order to be considered for a Short-Term Visit Scholarship you need to
(1) complete the Online Application Form in English and
(2) email your CV to mariayarosh@deusto.es (in English)

The Online Application Form does not allow partial completion (saving part of information and returning to the Form later to continue its completion). Therefore, you need to have the following texts ready before you start completing the Form:
1) A very short summary of your Research Proposal (max. 7 lines or 560 characters with spaces)
2) A more detailed Research and Study Visit Plan (max. 3 pages with 1.5 spacing or 8,641 characters with spaces). For elements to be covered, read the respective Online Application Form instructions carefully (“Research and Study Visit Plan” section).

The deadline for submitting applications is 21 May 2017. No applications completed after 23:59 Central European Time on 21 May 2017 will be considered.

Джерело: http://tuningacademy.org/short-term-visits-call/

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