Конкурс на участь у Щорічній Міжуніверситетській Школі з прав людини

The Council of Europe in cooperation with the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine are inviting students and/or young human rights professionals from Ukraine to apply for the 5th Annual Inter-University School on Human Rights “Right of access to public information in the Digital Age: Information Disorder and the Right to Privacy” (School).

29 July – 02 August 2019

What do we offer?

  • a five-day intensive academic training on challenges with regard to the human rights protection, guarantees of the right of access to information in line with the ECHR, information disorder and the right to privacy, legislative gaps and deficiencies of national practices, recent case-law of the ECtHR;
  • hands-on workshops by outstanding trainers and renowned human rights think tanks;
  • a moot court competition;
  • case studies;
  • a thrilling opportunity to absorb latest ECHR developments and meet like-minded people from around Ukraine;
  • a broad spectrum of intellectually engaging activities.

Who can apply?

  • students currently pursuing their master’s degree or in the final year of a bachelor’s programme in Law/Human Rights/International Relations;
  • recent graduates (within one year after graduation) from respective bachelor’s or master’s programmes;
  • above students and/or young human rights professionals with excellent command of English.

How to apply?

Complete online application https://forms.gle/FUDdMUFNmFxRHcRN6 by 10 June 2019

Selected candidates will be informed about their admission before 28 June 2019.

The organisers will cover tuition, board, accommodation and transport expenditures of the selected candidates within Ukraine. School participants will receive certificates of completion. The participants demonstrating outstanding performance will receive recommendation letters from the Faculty of the School.

The present School will focus on the contrasts between rights and fundamental freedoms and the opposite prohibitions. Such approach is chosen intentionally, in order to explain to the attendees of the School the scope of rights, fundamental freedoms and prohibitions, on the basis of larger concepts and notions, which are based not only on the European Convention of Human Rights, case-law of the Strasbourg Court, but also soft law of the Council of Europe, law of the European Union, OSCE norm-setting political commitments as well as international treaties and other sources of international law.

Working language of the School is English.

Apply today! Don’t let this unique opportunity slip by!

Більше інформації тут: https://www.facebook.com/events/409089189937593/

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