Міжнародний конкурс радіодраматургії

Назва конкурсу: International Radio Playwriting Competition 2020

Міжнародний конкурс радіодраматургії, який влаштовує Всесвітня служба BBC та Британська рада, пропонує унікальну можливість драматургам почути їх радіопрограми мільйонами слухачів BBC World Service у всьому світі.

На конкурс може подати сценарій будь-хто, країна походження та досвід не мають значення. Радіо-драми можуть бути на будь-яку тему, тривалістю 53 хвилини.

Дедлайн: 31 січня 2020 року

What is the prize?

The two winners will have their plays recorded and broadcast on BBC World Service. They will also receive £2,500 sterling and a trip to London (including airfare and accommodation for one person) where they will attend an award ceremony. we’re delighted to also be awarding a Special Commendation in the name of the writer Georgi Markov, for the play with most potential on the shortlist.

Who is eligible?

Entry to the International Radio Playwriting Competition 2020 is open to anyone over the age of 18 (as of 31 January 2020), who is not normally a resident of the United Kingdom. Both new and established writers are encouraged to apply. There are two categories for entry. One is for entrants who speak English as a first language, the other for entrants with English as a second language. The BBC may require proof of eligibility for the second category.

You can find all the competition rules here.

How do I apply?

Entrants should write a radio play of approximately 53 minutes’ length on any subject of their choice. The play must be written substantially or entirely in English. Your script should be accompanied by a short synopsis, of no more than 400 words, which outlines the complete story of the play. You can apply by the following methods:

In order for your entry to be accepted it must be accompanied by a completed copy of the entry form which can be downloaded here.

Read all the information about how to apply before submitting an application.

When is the deadline?

The competition closes on 31 January 2020. Entries must be received at your British Council office or at the BBC in London by 23:59 (GMT) on 31 January. If you are applying via post please allow at least seven working days for international post to arrive in the UK.

What should my play be about?

The play can be on any subject you like and should be approximately 53 minutes length (this is a word count of approximately 9000-10,000 words). The play should have a maximum of six central characters (although there may be up to three small “doubling” characters who don’t have more than a few lines each). There must be no central roles for children.

Подробиці та як подати заявку тут: https://theatreanddance.britishcouncil.org/blog/2019/internationalradioplaywriting2020/

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