Літня школа “Intergroup conflict and its resolution – the case of Ukraine”

Дослідницький Центр Східноукраїнських студій запрошує подавати заявки на участь у літній школі.

Дати: 27 червня – 2 липня 2016 року.

Місце: Бремен, Німеччина.

Дедлайн: 18 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The BIGSSS Summer School 2016 focuses on the conflict in Ukraine, a political conflict that is unprecedented in Europe at least since the end of the Balkan wars around the turn of the millennium, possibly even since the end of World War II. While in late 2013/14 the events in Ukraine unfolded rapidly (with the Euromaidan demonstrations on Kyiv’s Independence Square, the resignation and flight of then-president Yanukovych in February 2014, the annexation of Crimea by Russia in spring, parliament elections in October, and the beginning of the violent conflict in the Donbas region), it seems that since last year the frontiers of this violent conflict have solidified. How can the conflict be described and explained? Due to a focus on geopolitical approaches, little attention is given to the origins and nature of this conflict within Ukraine – historically, politically, psychologically – and the chances for resolution. This is where the Summer School wants to make a contribution and provide a platform for interdisciplinary academic exchange with special attention to the concept of intergroup conflict. Unlike with regard to other comparable conflicts (Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Israel/Palestine), a multidisciplinary perspective on intergroup conflict and its resolution is rare for Ukraine. In this situation, the BIGSSS Summer School 2016 allows for a rare get-together of political scientists, sociologists, and historians with psychologists who work on intergroup conflict and are typically not part of the academic discourse on the violence in the Donbas region. It aims to contribute to a better understanding of the Ukrainian conflict as well as Ukrainian society and politics at large, and to deepen our insight into the complexity of intergroup conflicts and their resolution. We provide an interdisciplinary platform for young scholars to meet face-to-face, to network, and to participate in academic exchange on their research projects under the guidance of our experienced Summer School faculty and external experts. The BIGSSS Summer School 2016 is fully funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The Summer School is targeted at PhD and advanced master students in political science, psychology, sociology, and history with research projects that focus on democratization and civil society, peace and conflict, or intergroup relations. The projects should focus on—but are not limited to—Ukraine, with a comparative perspective being a particular asset. Due to the funding regulations of the DAAD, only members of academic institutions from the following countries are eligible to apply: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, and Ukraine, regardless of their citizenship.

There is no program fee. Accepted participants of the BIGSSS Summer School 2016 receive full room and board on the campus of Jacobs University Bremen and financial support for travel costs.

How to apply

Candidates apply with their own research projects and are asked to submit a brief research sketch (minimally five, maximally ten pages), a CV and a letter of recommendation. Deadline for applications is March 18, 2016. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. For more information on the program and the application formalities please visit our website at www.summerschool.bigsss-bremen.de. The BIGSSS Summer School 2016 is jointly organized by the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) www.bigsss-bremen.de, Bremen’s Research Centre for East European Studies http://www.forschungsstelle.uni-bremen.de/en/ and the Institute of International Relations (IIR) at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv http://www.iir.edu.ua/en/.

Джерело: http://www.forschungsstelle.uni-bremen.de/en/5/20110717183609/Summer_Schools.html

Файл із детальною інформацією можна завантажити за посиланням: http://www.forschungsstelle.uni-bremen.de/UserFiles/file/05-Veranstaltungen/Call_BIGSSS_Summer_School_2016.pdf

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