Тренінг “Intercultural Pilots: Reinvention of Transnational Youth(net)work”

Команда НГО “Стелла” шукає 3х учасників для участі у проекті  “Intercultural Pilots: Reinvention of Transnational Youth(net)work” в Німеччіні.
Дедлайн – 23 лютого.
Детальний опис англійською:

Training course in Germany, WIesbaden from 11.03.18 until 17.03.18. “Intercultural Pilots: Reinvention of Transnational Youth(net)work” is an international training program for specialists and peer leaders in intercultural youth work and aims at the further development and reinvention of international youth work. The project wants to lay a foundation for a new kind of cooperation. The aim is to harmonize apparently indissoluble contradictions: collectivization & individual strengths, standardization & flexibility, regionalism & global perspective.

The objectives of the training are: 
A) To help equip a new generation of youth workers with the skills and selfconfidence to accompany innovative and sustainable intercultural projects
B) To develop innovative, creative and holistic projects with those present
C) Investigate subject-oriented, creativity-promoting and efficient educational work and provide the basis for the pursuit and appropriation of these principles.

– be a youth worker in NGO, activists, active citizens
– 18+ years old
– fluent English

Financial conditions:
This project is financed within the framework of Erasmus Plus Programme of European Union
Travel costs are 100 % covered within the limit according to the rules of Erasmus+ proramme
Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project – 100%
Fee – 30 euros
Fee to the hosting organization – 20 euros

If you would like to join the project please fill in the form untill 23.02.2018 23.59 https://goo.gl/krJ7Fh

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