Конкурс студентських есе з можливістю виграти $1 250

Студенти з усього світу запрошуються до участі в конкурсі есе Infoparrot.

Дедлайн: 31 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

If you would like to apply for the Infoparrot 2015 scholarship, please complete the following steps –

  1. Write an essay and send it to scholarships at infoparrot.com
  2. Complete the application form below
  3. Submit your application by 11:59PM EST, December 31, 2015.

Title: The infoparrot Scholarship of Academic Excellence

Deadline: 11:59PM EST, December 31, 2015.

Website: http://www.infoparrot.com/the-infoparrot-scholarship/

Amount: $1250,

Renewable/one-time: 3 winners every year but a student can only win once.

Population (UG, GR, HS Senior): Undergraduate, Graduate and High School Seniors with an acceptance letter from a University

Requirements: Write an essay (see our site for full description of essay requirements)

Which nationalities can apply for this: We currently accept all nationalities

Note that your university must be an accredited institution recognized by the highest academic authorities in your country.


Write 1000-1600 words about the following:

The internet has allowed people from all over the world to develop and create businesses like never before. A person from India can offer services across the globe and take advantage of the globalization. Trading across borders has never been easier and this trend is stirring up the global economy. Jobs are pouring out of the western world and they are increasingly being outsourced to countries with cheaper labor. Discuss how the western countries should tackle this increasing trend of trading across borders. How can western countries benefit from this new “horizontal exchange of services”? Should the market regulate itself or should the government interfere? Finally, express your own opinion about the internet’s impact on the global economy.

Before submitting the application, make sure that you have provided all the relevant information. Any incomplete application and/or essays with punctuation, grammatical or structural errors will be disqualified from the scholarship project.


Джерело: http://www.infoparrot.com/the-infoparrot-scholarship/



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