Молодіжний проект “In Between?”

Молодь віком 18 – 25 років запрошується до молодіжного проекту, який відбудеться влітку у Хорватії та Польщі. Сферою зацікавлень аплікантів може бути історія, культурна антропологія, соціологія, аудіовізуальні мистецтва тощо.

Дедлайн: 7 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

This year the participants will travel to Rijeka in Croatia and to Slovak-Czech borderland.

The call is open to all candidates age 18-25, including students and freelancers representing various areas of interest that may include history, cultural anthropology, sociology and audiovisual arts, among others. After being selected, they will take part in interdisciplinary workshops on 9-12 July and study visits on 13-19 July 2018.

After 4-day workshops in Warsaw participants will have learned the theoretical basics of interview methodology, digital video-camera operation, photography, digitalisation of visual materials, archiving and historical context. Then, they will be divided into two groups of six to travel to border towns and other localities for seven days. During their stay they will conduct and document interviews with local inhabitants. Recollections, sound and video recordings, photographs, letters as well as scanned documents and other items reflecting the daily life of the communities will constitute a basis for building accounts of their travel that will be shared with historical institutions and local archives.

Factors to be considered in the recruitment process include a candidate’s motivation to participate in the project, openness and readiness to cooperate. Knowledge of English and one of the languages spoken in a selected region is a must.

>> Fill out the application form

2018 Edition (9-19 July):

Workshops in Warsaw, Poland (9-12 July)

Study visits (13-19 July):

  • Rijeka in Croatia
  • Slovak-Czech borderland

Application deadline for the 2018 edition: 7 May 2018

Джерело: http://enrs.eu/inbetween

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