Тренінговий курс “I AM because YOU are”

Тренінговий курс, розрахований на молодіжних працівників та молодих лідерів, відбудеться в березні у Румунії та буде присвячений ефективним інструментам для роботи в сфері прав людини, демократії та рівності.

Дедлайн – 31 січня.

Детальний опис англійською:

I AM because YOU ARE is a 7 days training course designed for 28 youth workers, leaders in 7 different organizations from Europe, about sustainable working tools to help their work in the context of human rights, democracy and equality.

This training program is designed to promote, teach and develop values such as acceptance, equality, tolerance, commitment, engagement, care, compassion and empathy. During this training participants will acquire a set of skills and competences that will contribute to their work in cultural diversity contexts where acts of discrimination still occur, human rights are not always respected and democratic values and principles are misunderstood or not put into practice: human rights and values, critical thinking, peace building, non violent communication, media graphic facilitation, intercultural leaning.

Through this project we will raise the quality of the youth work of the people involved and partner organizations, they will have more tools and skills in order to implement it in their programs related to the topic, or create new ones, or participate in awareness raising campaigns, proposing policies, etc. This quality also reflects in the development of programs and services for community provided by these organizations, which lead to capacity building and relevancy for the served communities.

Partners: YMCA Bitola –Macedonia, YMCA Gabrovo – Bulgaria, YMCA Serbia , YMCA Tirana – Albania, YMCA Ukraine, Informal group Vagamondo – Italy.

1. the travel costs will be reimburse in the maximum amount according with the distance band calculator – all details in the info-letter attached
2. the organizer will provide for free food and accomodation for the duration of the training
3. there is no participation fee.

Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/i-am-because-you-are.5428/

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