Семінар про навчання в Швеції

Зустріч для всіх, хто цікавиться міжнародною освітою, зокрема, стипендійними можливостями у Швеції.

Місце: Ukraine Crisis Media Center (Evropejska sq, Khreschatyk 2)

Дата: 16 листопада.

Час: 18.30

Реєстрація обов’язкова.

Детальний опис англійською:

Dear students, looking for international education opportunities!

Come check out how to get a dream degree in Sweden and a scholarship for that.

If you ever thought of getting a top-quality education at some of the best universities together with living in a multicultural society, studying with peers from across the globe and all of this together with getting a scholarship, we have some news for you.

Swedish Institute alumni in cooperation with the Swedish Institute (SI) and the Embassy of Sweden in Kyiv are pleased to invite you to the presentation of study opportunities in Sweden.

At the presentation you will:

  • Get to know why Sweden is one of the best places to study
  • How to find a study programme that suits your needs
  • How to apply to the university
  • How to get a scholarship (it’s very very realistic)
  • Have a chance to speak to alumni from various universities in Sweden and ask all your questions.

Please, register at http://bit.ly/2eMbki7 to attend the event!

Join the Facebook event for some extra tidbits https://www.facebook.com/events/338424849852596/

Date: November 16, 2016 (Wednesday)

Time: 18:30

Venue: Ukraine Crisis Media Center (Evropejska sq, Khreschatyk 2, uacrisis.org)

The preliminary program includes:

  • Welcome speech by the representative of the Embassy of  Sweden in Kyiv
  • An inspiring key-note lecture of Inna Sovsun – a SI alumna, graduate of Lund University – former First deputy Minister of Education and Science, and Vice-President of Kyiv School of Economics
  • Alumni presentation: How to apply to studies and get a scholarship in Sweden
  • Q&A with SI alumni in break-out groups
  • Swedish culture quiz with small prizes

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1 Відповідь

  1. Тетяна :

    Добрий день!
    Мене цікавить навчання у Швеції. В цьому році закінчую 11 клас, добре знаю англійську, хотіла б вступити до університету Швеції на бакалаврську програму. Цікавить спеціальність журналістика або все, що з цим пов’язано. Які документи потрібно?
    Дякую за відповідь

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