Міжнародний форум “Greater Europe Meetings: Paris 2016”

Міжнародний молодіжний форум запрошує студентів та молодих фахівців у віці 18-35 років, зацікавлених у розвитку співпраці та діалогу між Західною та Східною Європою, країнами СНД та Росією. Цього року форум буде проводитися у м. Париж з 25 по 31 липня 2016 року під патронатом ЮНЕСКО.

Дедлайну немає, подача заяв відбувається on a rolling basis.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Youth Association for a Greater Europe welcomes all youth aged 18-35 years old from Europe and CIS* to apply to join our fourth annual international youth forum this summer in Paris! The forum will run from the 25th to 31st of July. During the week the participants will get the opportunity to participate in plenary sessions at the UNESCO headquarters, attend lectures and masterclasses with the highly qualified speakers, engage in cultural events and become student of one of the forum’s schools: EU-EAEU Diplomatic School or Projects School.

This is a fabulous opportunity to get to know other youth with the same interests as you from across the entire continent! There are only 40 places, so the first 40 who apply and we believe are suitable will be picked, so apply without delay!

Check our website for more details about the programme and for the application form: http://www.greater-europe.com/

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GreaterEurope

(*This also includes affiliated countries, such as Ukraine, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Norway and Switzerland.)

Important information: Successful applicants will be contacted in 2 weeks after they have submitted an application. We will use your email address to contact you, so please verify its accuracy before submitting your application. Information submitted will not be made public or shared with anyone without your prior consent.

 Who can attend

 The International Youth Forum “Greater Europe Meetings: Paris 2016” is available to students and early-career professionals under 35 years old living in the European Union, the CIS or the Balkans.

 Visa Guidance

 On entry to France:

We recommend that you follow the guidance on the Consulate General of France in your country website and contact us with any queries. We can provide you with invitation letters, though we can’t influence consular officer’s decision.


 Participants will be accommodated in the Residence rooms with shared kitchens and bathrooms.


 Participation fee is €250. This covers lectures, workshops, trips and other forum events, as well as meals and accommodation allowance. The fee doesn’t cover travel expenses and insurance.

 You will get the payment details together with the notification of acceptance. The amount specified payable in advance. The fee can either be paid in full at once, or in two monthly rates. Your place at the forum will be reserved once your payment has been registered.

 If you can’t attend the Forum and it is not your own fault we will give you a full refund.

 We are glad to provide you with letters of support if you are going to look for funding in your country or abroad.

 Programme of the forum

 Within the framework of the forum “Greater Europe Meetings: Paris 2016”, the Youth Association for a Greater Europe will be selecting 40 participants motivated by the idea of better cultural and economic cooperation between various European and CIS countries, participants who have a profound interest in Europe and Russia and speak several languages. (Please note that all participants must speak English as it is the Forum’s common language, other languages including Russian are not obligatory, but welcomed as a sign of your commitment to cultural exchange).

 General programme will include:

  • Plenary sessions attended by our guests of honour;

  • Lectures and masterclasses with the highly qualified speakers;

  • Workshops on economic and diplomatic relations between Russia and other European countries;

  • Project presentations at UNESCO;

  • Various cross-cultural recreational activities;

  • Group trips to Paris;

  • Cultural events, such as concerts, guitar by the fire, dancing, etc.


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