Академія молодіжного працівника “Grassroots of Youth Work”

Довготерміновий проект, який реалізовуватиметься в Ірландії та Грузії, з можливістю застосувати зання на практиці під час проміжної фази.

Дати: 10 червня – 26 серпня 2018 року.

Дедлайн: 14 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

This long-term training course on the grassroots of Youth Work and its has 3 phases: 1.) Training course in Ireland 10th-17th of June 2018 2.) Practice phase in local communities 3.) Training course in Georgia 19th-26th of August 2018

As youth work sector is leaning heavily on the culture of voluntarism in Europe we have evident skills mismatch between professionally trained youth workers and volunteers. Each EU and Partner country is responsible for its own education and training systems but the lack of national funding available affects the quality of youth work practises subsequently.

The youth work activist, youth leaders, volunteers and paid staff (mostly from related fields, such as social workers, or social care) which are active locally in the field of youth, are looking at international opportunities to improve their capacity as professional youth workers.

Therefore, specific objectives of ‘Youth Workers Academy’ are:
• Up-skilling youth work practitioners to deliver quality activities based on the knowledge and understanding of different youth work theories and practises;
• Supporting development of new local and international activities with strong emphases on inclusion of minority groups and young people with fewer opportunities;
• Fostering international collaborations and exchanges of good practices;

This long-term training course on the grassroots of Youth Work and tts has 3 phases:
1.) Training course in Ireland 10th-17th of June 2018
2.) Practice phase in local communities
3.) Training course in Georgia 19th-26th of August 2018

The first Mobility Activity in Ireland will be focused on exploring different youth work theories, approaches and practices. It will also provide space to discuss about the values and principles of youth work and will invite participants to complete practical tasks for developing leadership and group facilitation skills.

The Practical Phase of the project will support skills transition from theory into practice.

And the second Mobility Activity will bring focus on inclusion of minority groups and young people with fewer opportunities. It will also deepen participants’ skills of reflective practice and will create spaces to development new local and international activities while exploring the Erasmus+ program.

And these are specific objectives for both International Youth Worker Mobility Activities:
A1. Youth Workers Mobility Activity in Ireland
• Presenting an overview of youth work history and development;
• Exploring the purpose, principals and values of youth work;
• Discussing common issues for adolescent period, such as health and well-being, substance use, equality and discrimination, social media ect.
• Analysing youth work practices in participating countries (with particular emphases on youth work policies and youth work recognition);
• Highlighting the main aspects of EU Youth Strategy;
• Looking into Person-Centred and Holistic Youth Work approaches and theories;
• Completing induction on Child Protection;
• Deliberating on youth workers roles and responsibilities;
• Considering the main aspects of working with groups and individuals in youth work setting;
• Practical skills workshops on leadership and group facilitation;
• Exploring reflective youth work practise approach (theory and self-assessments);
• Planning local actions and projects to be implemented as a part of Practice Phase in the summer of 2018;
• Designing support mechanisms within participants’ group and trainers’ team.

A2. Youth Workers Mobility Activity in Georgia
• Drawing recommendations for the fellow youth workers based on the recent experiences of working with young people in local communities; • Systemically analysing the needs and interested of young people in local areas;
• Delivering practical ‘skills workshops’ based on the needs of participants;
• Considering the main aspects of inclusive youth work practices;
• Learning about practical steps on inclusion of minority groups and young people with fewer opportunities;
• Exploring the power of intercultural learning;
• Discussing where international youth work fits in the local realities of participants;
• Presenting Erasmus+ program with particular emphases on Youth Mobility Activities;
• Sharing ‘Good Practice Guidelines for Erasmus+ projects’;
• Looking at tips for project designing, planning and management;
• Exploring possible partnership and collaboration opportunities within participants group;
• Drafting further projects to be delivered in local communities or/and internationally;
• Creating space and time for self-assessments.

Participants profile:
This is a long-term training course designed for those youth work practitioners that are looking to deepen their knowledge of the key youth work theories, practices and are keen to explore possibilities for developing new local or international projects with strong emphases on inclusion of minority groups and young people with fewer opportunities. We will welcome participants that have long-term commitments within Youth or Community organisations are willing to become multiplies upon the completion of ‘Youth Workers Academy’. Please note that selected participants will be required to attend both training courses and complete practice phase.


There is no participation fee but we will deduct 45 euro from over all travel budgets in Ireland and 30 euro in Georgia for covering local transportation fees, as participants will be collected from the airports in both countries, and for day trips that we will organise. This means that if people are able to find travel tickets that fits in the budget below they won’t have to pay any participation fee, but if their travel tickets exceed the give budged they will only be reimburse amounts given below. And of cause if participants tickets are less then amounts below only amount spend on the tickets will be reimbursed. Please see max amount to spend on travel per participant per country:

  • For training course that takes place in Ireland:
    Ukraine- 315 euro
  • For training course that takes place in Georgia:
    Ukraine- 245 euro

Travel reimbursement may take up to one month after the training course in completed and done by bank transfers only (no cash reimbursements). Original visa expenses will be covered up to 100 euro per person coming to Ireland from Turkey, Georgia and Ukraine.

Food, accommodation and training materials will be covered 100 percent.

Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/youth-workers-academy-grassroots-of-youth-work.7336/

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