Конкурс «Go Green in the City»

Команди студентів з усього світу запрошуються до участі в конкурсі «Go Green in the City». 12 команд, чиї ідеї щодо ефективного управління енергією в місті найбільше вразять журі, буде запрошено до Парижа, де внаслідок фінального змагання буде обрано переможців, які отримають головний приз – навколосвітню подорож та роботу в компанії «Schneider Electric»

Дедлайн: 15 квітня 2016 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

You’re invited to participate in the sixth annual Go Green in the City global business case challenge. Enter now for a chance to revolutionize energy management and gain unique insight into one of the leading global energy management companies.

Select from one of 5 real-life business case challenges within energy management, and submit your solution idea for a chance to win.

The top twelve teams will travel to Paris where they will compete for a trip around the world and a career opportunity with Schneider Electric.

Who is eligible to compete?

  • Business and engineering** students pursuing their bachelor’s (at least 2nd year), master’s, or MBA degree are eligible to compete.
  • Go Green in the City 2016 is open to two-member teams with at least one female member (note: both members must comply with the degree requirements stated above).
  • Both of the team members must study in the same country for the duration of the competition. They are not, however, required to be from the same university, nor are they required to study the same subject or be in the same year, as long as they are not in their first year of their undergraduate education.
  • English language competency is required.
  • Teams from all over the world are welcome to compete.

No exceptions can be made regarding the terms of the eligibility requirements.

**All branches of engineering and business programs are accepted.

There is no participation fees.

Джерело: http://www.gogreeninthecity.com/challenge/

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