Стартувала подача на Global UGRAD

Назва: The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD)

Що: навчання протягом семестру з повною стипендією у США для українських студентів

Де: виші США

Дедлайн: 6 січня 2022 р.

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Цілі програми

To promote mutual understanding between people of the United States and other countries.

  • Provide a fulfilling exchange experience to drive academic, cross-cultural, and leadership competencies for students from Global UGRAD countries.
  • Enhance students’ academic knowledge and professional skills needed to pursue long-term academic and career goals.
  • Cultivate students’ comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the U.S.
  • Facilitate opportunities for students to establish social networks with U.S. host institutions and local communities.
  • Empower students to engage constructively in the civic life of their local and global communities.

Про програму

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) brings future leaders to the United States to experience U.S. higher education, gain critical professional skills, and explore new cultures and values.

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by World Learning.

Since 2008, World Learning has provided this opportunity to over 2,500 Global UGRAD students.  Participants leave the U.S. with the tools to become leaders in their professions and communities. Global UGRAD alumni go on to receive Fulbright grants, obtain prestigious international internships, and work in business and government in their home countries and regions.

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