Терміново: волонтерська вакансія в Німеччині

НГО “Стелла” термінового шукає волонтера для довгострокового проекту у Німеччині в навчальному молодіжному центрі.

Коли: September 2020 – August 2021
Де: Würzburg, Німеччина
Дедлайн: ASAP, заявки розглядатимуться цього тижня по мірі надходження.

Увага! Знання німецької мови не є обо’язковим, але може бути додатковою перевагою для участі у проекті. Вік: 18-30 років.

Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (the Youth Education Centre in Lower Franconia – Jubi) is an organisation, working on the topics of anti-discrimination, migrational pedagogy and racism criticism with a nationwide model character. It is a big seminar house with a possibility to sleep, eat and take part in the pedagogical and educational seminars. The volunteer will support the work of the pedagogical work – preparing and organising the seminars, helping in the office, helping with the public relations (preparing leaflets, videos, pictures and content fort he social media). The volunteer will have the opportunity to take part in the training course and to act as a multiplier in the future. The volunteer will get support (also financial) to organise her/his own project /activity.

We offer diverse facets of youth work- it especially supports youth groups, social institutions and school classes in their process of migrational pedagogy. In the international context the Jubi supports international youth exchanges under a borderless perspective and communicates through its own offers and in cooperation with other experienced organisations advanced practice the key competences.


The volunteer will get own room in a house with another volunteers. The volunteer will receive monthly pocket money and food allowance, monthly ticket, insurance, reimbursement of international travel and visa costs, German course and Bahncard 25 to travel cheaper with the rail.

You can read about our activities here:

Please read carefully about the project and send your CV and motivation letter to anastazja.zydor@jubi-unterfranken.de. Please take your time and read about the project and write in the motivation letter, why are you interested in this particular project.

Information about sending organization:
PIC: 947609200
OID: E10185376
Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029
Contact person: Nika Bunziak
Email: evs@ngo-stella.orginfo@ngo-stella.org

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