Тристоронній форум “Germany, Russia, Ukraine: A Common Future?”

19 – 25 листопада в Берліні відбудеться молодіжний форум для учасників з України, Німеччини та Росії.

Дедлайн – 17 вересня.

Детальний опис англійською:

What role do youth and civil societies play in easing tensions between three countries? How does media affect our perceptions of others? How do young people feel and what do they think on the other side of the conflict? The young and talented, the concerned and proactive, students and young professionals from Germany, Russia and Ukraine are welcome to join the four-year-old community of the Trilateral Youth Forum “Germany, Russia, Ukraine: A Common Future?”.

The project, started as a youth initiative during the first weeks of Maidan revolution in 2013, is aimed to gather active youth from three countries to discuss, doubt, raise questions, share very different at times opinions but trying to define common challenges and find new ways of strengthening the ties between the societies. The platform is designed to engage in critical but mutually respectful discussions to destroy myths and stereotypes. Would it be an academic or a policy problem, social or cultural issue, we welcome you to shape agenda with us. The forum will help participants with developing their own projects on how to support civil societies on the way to a brighter common future.

Apply now and get to know your peers, talk to politicians and businessmen, experts from civil society and academia to search with us for a brighter future for the relations among Germany, Russia and Ukraine!

Learn more about our concept and values here.

When? 19-25 November 2017; 5 full program days, excluding days of arrival (19 November) and departure (25 November). Participants in small groups would start to work on their project idea a month before the forum. They are expected to develop the project design during the forum.

Where? Berlin, Germany

Who? 10 active and motivated 18-26-year-old people from each of the three respective countries, who are interested in contributing into a sustainable development of the trilateral relations. Young leaders and specialists in the fields of media, politics, economics, education, security and civil society.

Why? The main goal of the Forum is to reinforce the civil society aspect of German-Russian-Ukrainian Trialogue at the youth level.

The working language is English. The knowledge of German, Russian and Ukrainian is an advantage.

Topics of the Forum

  • role of the youth in the civil society of Germany, Russia and Ukraine
  • civil society cooperation
  • economic relations and business
  • the role of mass media in shaping public consciousness
  • understanding of common culture and space
  • security and conflict resolution

Program points

  • Guided excursions to historical places of Berlin and reflections on common historical issues
  • Moderated workshops with experts and sessions with politicians, journalists, and representatives of NGOs and business, operating in one or all three countries
  • Project work in small groups in the consultations with forum experts, including some teamwork online before the forum
  • Public panel discussion on the future of the trilateral relations
  • Market of Possibilities with project partners, foundations, youth organizations
  • Evening of Cultures with performances from participants

Application requirements

  • Application form is to be filled out online
  • Essay on one of topics of the Forum (up to 3000 characters, spaces included; please use the online application form)
  • A suggestion on the collaborative project in any related thematic field
  • Age: 18-26-year-old
  • Nationality: Germany, Russia, Ukraine

 What is covered?

Organizers cover accommodation and meals during the Forum days.

Travel costs can be partly reimbursed:

German participants: up to 80 Euro
Ukrainian participants: up to 150 Euro
Russian participants: up to 200 Euro

* There is a participation fee of 50€. In case of additional fundraising the participation fee will be reimbursed.

Джерело та аплікаційна форма: http://drjug.org/en/call-for-applications-germany-russia-ukraine-a-common-future-in-berlin-2017/

Фото – Unsplash

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