Germany is calling: волонтерство з осені

Ти можеш приєднатися до одного з 7-ми чудових волонтерських проектів від НГО “Стелла”!

Deadline: 15.04.2020

Below you can find the 6 open calls for Children Day Care Centers in Karlsruhe and one for a school in Villingen-Schwenningen (Black Forest).

The Tasks of the volunteer is to support the educators in one Group of Children in their daily activities, to support the kitchen (preparing, cleaning breakfast and lunch), but as well to start their own Project with the Children.

Volunteer profile:

Volunteers (18-30 y.o.) should have an interest in educational work, especially in the concept of alternative teaching.

We expect an open-minded volunteer with an interest in our democratic and alternative school, as well as openness towards living in a rural area like the Black forest. In our school we support children to learn independently and self-responsible. The same we expect from the staff and from volunteers. Volunteers should be able to work in a team and should be interested in bringing up own ideas.

For own projects we provide space, time and assistance.

1) Kita Monelli
2) Kita Krone
3) Kita am Haydnplatz
4) Kita im Weiherwald
5) Kita Polyglott
6) Kita SieKids Villa Pusteblume
7) Freie Schule Brigach (for girls only)
If you want to apply: Please send CV and motivation letter to:
Information about the sending organization:
PIC: 947609200
Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029
Contact person: Nika Bunziak

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