Можливість викладання для аспірантів та науковців

Українські аспіранти та науковці, чиї наукові інтереси пов’язані з німецькими та європейськими студіями, запрошуються до викладання на подвійній магістерській програмі. Програмою передбачена підготовка фахівців до викладання та стипендійна підтримка.

Дедлайн для подачі заяв: 25 вересня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Kyiv-Jena Double Master’s Degree programme “German and European Studies” is supporting young researchers and teachers from Ukraine who are interested in German- and European Studies with scholarships for teaching preparation in our programme. We are providing scholarships for a mentoring time in Kyiv and possibly a stay at our partner University in Jena (4-12 weeks). The training should lead to a future teaching of a course in our programme.

Who can apply?

PhD candidates of NaUKMA and all other ukrainian universities, i.e. research students (“aspiranty”), including those who have finished their third year, and young PostDocs, i.e. those who recently defended their dissertations, of all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Additionally, successful graduates of the Double Master’s Degree programme can apply and may be allowed to teach lessons. Although, applicants with German language knowledge are preferred, those with excellent English-language proficiency may apply too.

We offer

  • a scholarship of €1.000 per month during a three-month stay, and a refund for travel costs up to €325

  • mentoring for the research project in Jena, and

  • the possibility to attend a language course in Jena

Time of the research visit: approx. November 2015 to February 2016.

What to apply for?

Currently, the following courses are taught, for which the applicant can prepare a plan for seminary lessons:

  • Introduction to Scientific Research

  • Theory of Analysis of Public Policy

  • Political Anthropology

  • Parties and Party Systems in the EU

  • History of German Political Thinking

  • Political History of the FRG

  • German Political System

  • Theory of Decision Taking

  • Theories of International Relations

  • Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
  • German Foreign Policy

  • The Political System of the EU

  • Strategies and Tactics of European Integration

  • European Foreign Policy

  • Introduction into European Politics

  • International Relations in Eastern Europe (EU-Ukraine)

The exact form of teaching will be agreed upon individually. If possible, the course parts will be taught within co-teaching together with another teacher. The languages of teaching: German (preferred) or English. Further information on our programme: http://www.des.uni-jena.de


Please, send in your application until September the 25th, 2015 electronically to dsg.naukma@gmail.com with:

  • a short description of the course lessons you want to prepare, including your methodological and theoretical ideas for teaching (2 – 3 pages)

  • a short description of your current research project(s) (2 – 3 pages)

  • a letter of motivation

  • your CV (Europass preferred)
  • list of possible advisor(s) in Jena. You will find the teaching staff at: http://www.powi.uni-jena.de

Applicants from all faculties are accepted. We will hold selection interviews in early october. (If you are not in Kyiv at that time, please, write so in the application.)

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us, Mr. Felix Schimansky-Geier : dsg.naukma@gmail.com

Джерело: https://cms.rz.uni-jena.de/index.php?site=maeuropa&lang=de&id=210&nonactive=1&preview=1&quickedithide=1&path=1,7,102,210

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