Молодіжний форум “Молодь за гендерну рівність”

З 2 по 4 березня у Брюсселі відбудеться міжнародний молодіжний форум, орієнтований на людей, які зацікавлені в діалозі, утворенні контактів та пізнаванні нового в галузі гендеру.

Дедлайн: 17 січня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Apply now for the chance to join us in Brussels from 2 to 4 March 2016 for the first edition of our Youth for Gender Equality Forum.

Step it up for Gender Equality is an interactive and inspiring initiative to promote dialogue, exchange, learning and networking for people engaged in promoting gender equality in their daily lives. Organised by the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, in collaboration with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, PES Women,  Young European Socialists, Rainbow Rose and the Global Progressive Forum.

You are advised to apply as soon as possible, as for practical reasons we can only take into consideration the first 250 applications. The top 25 of these will be selected for the Youth for Gender Equality Forum and will be contacted by January 31st 2016 at the latest. A detailed draft programme is available below.


The 2016 Forum is looking for 25 young motivated individuals, 20 EU nationals and 5 from neighbouring countries, aged 18 to 25, to be a part of the first edition of this event launched on the eve of the 2016 International Women’s Day. Selected candidates will share 2 days of workshops and activities with us.

The event will take place in the European Parliament in Brussels from 2 to 4 March 2016.

As part of this unique event, you will also have the chance to build a wide network of contacts and share your experience of gender equality projects. You will have the opportunity to interact with S&D Members of the European Parliament, professionals and experts while engaging in intercultural exchanges with the participants.


The 2016 Forum is looking for 25 young motivated individuals, 20 EU nationals and 5 from neighbouring countries, aged 18 to 25. The ideal candidate will be motivated, proactive and engaged in gender equality/women’s rights activism, with good communication skills, and will share the core values of the Socialists and Democrats. A good knowledge of English is a must as there will be no interpretation during the forum. The S&D Group will consider gender balance in the selection process.

Practical information

Travel expenses, accommodation, and visa costs will be covered.

For more information, please contact: s-d.genderequal@ep.europa.eu

Link for the application form: http://sdconf.socblog.eu/content/step-it-gender-equality

Джерело: http://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/events/call-application-step-it-gender-equality-youth-gender-equality-forum-2016#1


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