Рік в Німеччині: волонтерство у школі

Запрошуємо на довгострокове волонтерство у Німеччині від НГО “Стелла”: Freie Schule Brigach – School for Self-Determined Learning.

Коли: 09/09/2020 to 31/07/2021

Де: St. Georgen, Germany

Дедлайн: 15/04/2020


Freie Schule Brigach was founded in 2006. About 30 children – age 6 to 18 – attend the school. Our school broadens and enriches the educational variety in the county of Schwarzwald-Baar. The educational concept meets the requirements of curriculums at state schools. The concept of our school is not combined to any ideology or religious confession. The main focus of our educational efforts is the individual child with his or her strengths and skills. The pupils learn in a group of mixed ages. Children experience democracy, which offers freedom and limits, individuality and community. The teachers’ role is to give input and advice, to support children on their own way of learning. Children are taught to work independently and self-responsible. Teachers are not an authority who knows everything, but someone who supports and accompanies children in their process of learning. Volunteer activities:

– assistance during class

– supporting pupils at excursion

– initiate own projects.


18-30 y.o. Volunteer should have an interest in educational work, especially in the concept of alternative teaching. We expect an open-minded volunteer with an interest in our democratic & alternative school, as well as openness towards living in a rural area. In our school we support children to learn independently and self-responsible. The same we expect from the staff and from volunteers. Volunteers should be able to work in a team and should be interested to bring up own ideas & projects. Since 2020 every person working in a school, needs to prove by law that one is vaccinated or immune to measles.


Please, follow the link: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/20810_en

Information about the sending organization:


PIC: 947609200

Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029

Contact person: Nika Bunziak

Email: evs@ngo-stella.org

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