Стипендія в Simon Fraser University на бакалаврат

Що: Undergraduate Scholars Entrance Scholarships

Для кого: стипендія для бакалаврів, International Students coming from High School for Fall 2021

Де: Simon Fraser University (скорочено SFU), Канада

Фінансування: 10 000$

Дедлайн: 15 грудня 2020

SFU is Canada’s most community-engaged research university, with three thriving urban campuses.

SFU recognizes high school students who demonstrate excellence in both their academic and extracurricular activities.  The value of a scholarship may range from $10,000 up to an amount sufficient to cover all tuition and mandatory supplementary fees normally required for the completion of a student’s first undergraduate degree at SFU.

Scholarships are available to domestic and international high school students admitted for the fall term to an undergraduate degree in any faculty.

Application Period for Fall 2021: October 5, 2020 – December 15, 2020
Supporting Documents* Deadline: January 31, 2021
Minimum Requirement: grades in the 90% range or a minimum 31 International Baccalaureate points**
Scholarship Value: ranges from $10,000 up to an amount sufficient to cover tuition and mandatory supplementary fees

Further funding, in the form of a living allowance, may be offered to support exceptionally talented students with demonstrated financial need.

Recipients will be notified from mid-March to mid-May 2021.

*This includes an academic reference, a community involvement reference, and all admission items on the To Do List
**Predicted bonus points are not considered in the calculation

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