Волонтерський проект у французькому соціальному центрі

Чи волонтерство може бути магічним? Відповідь – так, особливо, коли проект має місце у французькому соціальному центрі “La MAGIC”.

НГО “Стелла шукає учасника/учасницю для довгострокового волонтерського проекту у невеликому містечку в сільській місцевості Франції.

Коли: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2020 (12 місяців)

Де: Brout-Vernet, Франція

Дедлайн: 17/03/2019

The volunteer will work in the office of Social Center “La MAGIC”, in Brout-Vernet. He/she will be fully integrated in their friendly team and will have a tutor helping him/her with assignments and daily life.Various mission will be entrusted to the volunteer, among them are the following:- Promoting European mobility among youngsters followed-up by La MAGIC and also among students of local middle and high schools. For this purpose, the volunteer will be in charge of creating pedagogical activities, organizing events, sharing experiences during different meetings;- Assisting youngsters in the preparation and realization of a European youth exchange;- Accompanying a group of inhabitants in the creation of a social center in Burkina Faso and helping them to define vectors of cooperation between the centers (what kind of projects they can implement, what means they have to use…).

Thanks to participating in this project the volunteer will:

– Improve his/her French (speaking/writing);

– Elaborate project management skills;

– Get to know international mobility programs and means of project granting;

– Upgrade team working skills;

– Improve pedagogical and facilitation skills;

– Learn how to work with different audiences;

– Develop ways to present his/her culture;

– Discover the region and the French culture.

We are searching for an active and motivated person with the following qualities:

– 18-30 years old;

– Capacity to adapt to new environment;

– Ability to communicate with different audiences;

– Good presentation skills;

– Desire & readiness to work in rural area;

– Sense of initiative and willingness to develop one’s project;

– Good level of English and/or French or motivation to learn French;

– Motivation to participate in European project

Keep in mind that you have to be ready to work in rural area and that the place you will beliving in is not a big city, like Paris or Lyon so you should not expect the same ambiance.

How to apply?

Please fill out the google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsudWgS-l06jCoctw-7fzfMHxdhTWULboPasxrvhPyr-A6iA/viewform

You will need some information about the Supporting organization.


ESC Reference Number: n/a;

ESC Contact Person: Kateryna Nefidova, Vice-president;

PIC: 947609200

Accreditation number: 2018-1-PL01-KA110-051769;

Address (including street, city, postcode and country): Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029;

Telephone: +380977156420Fax: n/a;

E-mail: info@ngo-stella.org;

Website: http://ngo-stella.org/.

Волонтерство – це магія, яку ти створюєш власноруч!

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