Волонтерство у Франції: шукають чотирьох волонтерів

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів для 4 чудових вакансій у Франції!

Якщо тобі від 18 до 30 років, ти любиш працювати з підлітками та мрієш побувати у Франції – то цей проект стане твоїм унікальним шансом!

Де: Lorient, France

Дедлайн: 15/06/2020

1) 10 months ESC in St Louis High School 01/09/2020-30/06/2021)

St Louis High School is an educational institution taking 1060 high school students from 15 to 18 years old. The volunteer will be integrated into the teaching teams and the school life service according to his/her interest and the team’s needs (event, animation, project, innovative idea…) (S)he may develop :

– activities : organisation of exhibitions, cultural and artistic visits and and the issue of youth health, environment…

– animate workshops for foreign pupils of the school

– implementation of mutual assistance between high school students and assist the ones in difficulty according to their disciplinary skills

– organise a cine-club with the volunteer from La Paix high school etc..

Volunteer will be hosted in St Louis school with another volunteer.

2) 9 months ESC in Notre Dame de la Paix High School (01/10/2020-30/06/2021)

Notre Dame de la Paix is an educational institution taking 650 students from 15 to 18 years old. The volunteer will be integrated into the teaching teams and the school life service according to his/her interest and the team’s needs (event, animation, project, innovative idea…). (S)he may develop :

– activities : organisation of exhibitions, cultural and artistic visits and and the issue of youth health, environment…

– animate workshops for foreign pupils of the school

– implementation of mutual assistance between high school students and assist the ones in difficulty according to their disciplinary skills

– organise a cine-club with the volunteer from La Paix high school etc..

Volunteer will be hosted in St Louis school with another volunteer.

3) 9 months ESC in St Joseph High School and St Christophe primary school (15/09/2020-06/07/2021)

St Joseph high school is part of the first teaching network in the world, founded in the late 17th century, the Lasallian network. In Lorient the collège-lycée St Jospeh and the primary school St Christophe is a catholic teaching establishment. The project will take part in both schools. The volunteer will be integrated into the international department and the teaching teams according to his/her interest and the team’s needs (event, animation, project, innovative idea…). (S)he may develop :

– organisation of cultural projects / participate in cultural visits

– follow-up of the mobility projects with the international coordinator for students

– promote the European volunteering and Erasmus programs

– organise English workshops and activities for children

Volunteer will be hosted in an apartment with another volunteer.

4) 9 months ESC in Youth Information and Media in BIJ de Lorient (15/09/2020-15/06/2021)

The ESC will take place in the Youth Information center (find out about us here).

S(h)e will participate in the various usual projects of the BIJ but the mission will mostly concern the international sector. In line with his/her interest and motivation, the volunteer will :

– participate in the organisation of events on the international mobility theme

– use the social media to communicate about activities of the YIC

– produce resources for the international sector

– promote the ESC and the european citizenship and mobility

– provide support to youth willing to participate in the ESC program

– organise linguistic cafés “Happy Talk”

Volunteer will be hosted in an apartment with another volunteer.

More information about the projects as well as the application form you can find here: https://www.bij-lorient.org/esc-volunteering-projects-2020-2021

In order to apply, send your CV together with the application form to sve@bij-lorient.org till the 15th June 2020.

Information about sending organization:


PIC: 947609200

OID: E10185376

Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029

Contact person: Nika Bunziak

Email: evs@ngo-stella.org, info@ngo-stella.org

Good luck!

Треба швидко написати успішний мотиваційний лист ВЖЕ на сьогодні? Ось тримай 3 короткі відеолекції про 3 різних приклади мотиваційних есе, автор яких отримала стипендію та участь у бажаній освітній програмі. На курс піде +- година часу.

Потрібна повна підтримка для вступу чи пошуку програми за кордоном від А до Я? Консультації, допомога, дієві інструменти? Чекаємо в онлайн-спільноті «UniStudy Community”.

Більше безкоштовних актуальних порад та секретів шукай в рубриці КОРИСНЕ.

А щоб не пропустити жодного дедлайну програми, скачай Календар освітніх можливостей 2020.  Відкриємо секрет: він «вічний», тобто більшість програм повторюється із року в рік.

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