Фантастичні можливості у Франції: волонтерство

Фантастичні можливості у Франції від НГО “Стелла”! Дедлайн – 5 січня 2020.

1) Volunteer for volunteering!

Clermont-Ferrand, France

01/09/2020 – 31/08/2021

The volunteer will work in the office of Concordia in Clermont-Ferrand. His/her main role will be to promote international mobility and Concordia Auvergne’s activities among young people in the region (forums, conferences, presentations, newsletters and blogs), develop and facilitate European projects (European Solidarity Corps, Youth Exchanges, European training courses), take part in setting up and lead international volunteering work camps in the region. If you want to learn more about the project, check our CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS. Please note that to apply for this project you MUST fill in the APPLICATION FORM, without it your application will not be considered. To do so please follow the link.

For more info: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/17774_en

2) From Rural to International Youth

Broût-Vernet, France

02/09/2020 – 01/09/2021

The volunteer will work in Social Center “La MAGIC”, in Brout-Vernet (Allier department, Auvergne). His/her missions will be the following: – Promoting European mobility among local youngsters (the volunteer will be in charge of creating pedagogical activities, organizing events, sharing experiences during different meetings). – Assisting youngsters in the preparation and realization of a European youth exchange. – Accompanying a group of inhabitants in the creation of a social center in Burkina Faso and helping them to define vectors of cooperation between the centers. For more information about the project, check our CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS. Please note that to apply for this project you MUST fill in the APPLICATION FORM.

For more info: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/14167_en

3) Open a European Window for Youth in Cournon

Cournon d’Auvergne, France

02/09/2020 – 01/09/2021

The volunteer will work with kids and teenagers in a Municipal Animation Center in the city of Cournon (Auvergne, France). His/her main role will be to introduce European dimension and “intercultural opening-up” to the actions of the city council’s educational department and its partners. The idea is to raise awareness of local youngsters on European countries and help them to be more open-minded about multiculturalism through various leisure activities, taking place out of regular school hours. You can find more information in a call for participants, please follow the link. Please note that to apply for this project you need to fill in the application form, withouth this your application will not be considered! To do so, please, follow the link.

For more info: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/17986_en

4) ESC long term project at Planet Citizens, Paris; this is a sport and language project starting in January 2020, you’ll find description attached.

Planet Citizens – Language Training 2024 is a non-profit organization based in Paris Region. We use sports to teach languages and encourage global citizenship for young athletes and pupils from disadvantaged areas.

By getting European volunteer coaches to assist sports teachers and clubs coaches, we transform sports training into language immersion sessions.

Call for participants Cournon Call for participants MAGIC 2020 final Call for participants 2020 ConcAuv

Call for participants MAGIC 2020 final

Call for participants Cournon

For more info

Don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is


PIC – 947609200,

Contact person – Nika Bunziak,

Tel +380977156420,

Email – info@ngo-stella.org

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