Семінар у Франції з теми цифрових інновацій для молоді

Назва: Study Session “W(e-)participate – Harnessing Digital Innovation for Youth Participation at the Local Level”

Формат: Seminar

Дати: 27 September – 3 October 2020

Країна: Strasbourg, France

Дедлайн: 27 липня, результат повідомлять 10 серпня

Для кого: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Youth researchers

Опис програми

This study session aims to create a shared understanding of digital youth participation among youth workers and municipal representatives and to examine and exchange good practices on the field to promote its implementation.

Цілі програми

The specific objectives of this Study Session are to:
• Discuss and create a common understanding of what digital youth participation is;
• Map realities, opportunities and challenges of digital participation among youth workers and local representatives;
• Exchange and discover good practices around and outside Europe of the usage of digital tools for youth participation;
• Reflect on the youth policy of the Council of Europe and the role of digital participation therein;
• Plan and discuss strategies to adapt and implement these best practices and policies of digital participation at the local level;
• Produce a publication with practices in and outside Europe to promote the usage and understanding of digital youth participation.

Вимоги до учасників

  • be able to work in English;
  • according to the rules of the Council of Europe, participants should be aged between 18 and 30 years old (exceptional cases can be accepted, when justified);
  • be willing to contribute with their experience to the Study Session;
  • be residents of Council of Europe member state countries; some exceptions are possible depending on the participants’ application form.
  • be able to attend the whole duration of the Study Session;
  • have relevant experience in the topic of youth participation at the local level or experience with digital tools to support youth participation;
  • be highly motivated towards learning about models and structures of digital participation.

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