Терміново потрібен волонтер на проект у Польщі

Шукаємо учасницю/-ка для участі в річному проекті Європейського корпусу солідарності у м. Вроцлав, Польща. Початок проекту березень/квітень.

Volunteer for the one year project European Solidarity Corps “For YOUnity” WANTED!

Volunteer in Event Organization/Management Department wanted!
We are looking for a person which will be working in the information center for the migrants — CUKR.

The main tasks of the volunteer:

  • assistance in planning and conducting integrational, informational and cultural events in CUKR;
  • assistance in the organization of speaking clubs and language courses;
  • assistance in the preparation of thematic events;
  • administrative and technical work support of the Center;
  • implementation of own initiatives and projects;
  • assistance in the implementation of Foundation’s projects.

In the project we provide you:

  • Apartment;
  • Food;
  • Transport (local transport, travel costs to/from Wroclaw);
  • Insurance;
  • Pocket money;
  • Courses of the Polish language.

The volunteer should have:

  • Willingness to spend time with needy persons and patient in working with them;
  • Motivation to develop intercultural skills;
  • Ability to talk in Ukrainian, Polish, English (if you are Beginner we can help you to improve your language skills);
  • Responsibility and punctuality;
  • Ready to work independently and in a group;
  • Sense of humor.
It is also a unique opportunity to be a part of Erasmus program and get incredible experience!
European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is one of the largest Erasmus + projects supported by the European Commission. Its main goal is to provide people aged 18-30 with opportunities for self-development through volunteering in various countries.
European Volunteering gives you the chance to learn about a different culture and mentality, gain a broad network of contacts for the future, and work on yourself. Due to the project’s requirements, the volunteer should be aged 18-30. To apply for the project, please send your CV and motivation letter here: evs@fundacjaukraina.eu

Applications could be written in English, Polish or Ukrainian.
Application deadline: 25.02.2019
Chosen candidates will be asked for the online interview.

The start of the project – April 2020
Project duration: 12 months.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:

Деталі тут: https://fundacjaukraina.eu/volunteer-for-the-one-year-project-european-solidarity-corps-for-younity-wanted/?lang=en

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