Стипендія Fellowship in Amsterdam з теми бізнесу

Що: стипендія Fellowship in Amsterdam

Організатор: The Netherlands Education Group

Де: Амстердам, Нідерланди


  • Good command of English
  • Facebook account
  • Strong Internet Connection
  • Good communicational skills

Термін: на 3 місяці влітку

Фінансування – покривається:

  • Round trip to and from Amsterdam
  • Accommodation in Amsterdam for 3 months
  • Meals during the Fellowship in Amsterdam
  • Visa

Дедлайн: фіксованого дедлайну немає

The Netherlands Education Group организует краткосрочные образовательные программы для талантливой молодежи! Компания предлагает стипендию, которая позволит провести 3 месяца в Амстердаме и развивать личные и профессиональные навыки. Финансирование покрывает стоимость авиа-перелета в Амстердам и обратно; проживания и питания; приглашения для получения визы. Во время программы участники будут решать реальные бизнес-вопросы компании The Netherlands Education Group. Для участия необходимо отправить резюме и мотивационное письмо.

The Fellowship Program is the opportunity to have a fully covered 3-month stay in Amsterdam where you will have the opportunity to meet great people, to work in a team of international talents from all around the world and develop yourself as a young professional!

During the Fellowship you will work on the real business issues that are raising at the work of the Netherlands Education Group. You will work in a team trying to solve actual business issues and thinking together about the new ways for organization development. The Fellowship, among others, will allow you to develop your creativity and leadership skills.

We are the Netherlands Education Group, one of our main activities is organizing courses! We invite talented individuals from all countries of any age to apply for the program.

Requirements for the candidates

  • Good command of English
  • Facebook account
  • Strong Internet Connection
  • Good communicational skills

Stage 0. Application

We receive the applications and consider them usually within 3 weeks after receiving them.

All applicants will be informed about the results of the selection. If you did not hear from us within 3 weeks after sending us your application – please, email us again as there is a chance that we have not received your application.

Selected applicants will be invited to the next stage.

Stage 1. Fellowship from home

The duration of this stage is 6 months.

During this stage, you will be working from home and performing various tasks, such as:

  • Market research;
  • Communication with local partners;
  • Work with social media.

Applicants who successfully perform at this stage will be invited to the next stage.

Stage 2. Fellowship in Amsterdam (Summer Internship)

You will be invited to the Fellowship in Amsterdam. The duration of the Fellowship in Amsterdam is 3 months. Usually, you can choose the period when you would like to come to Amsterdam but we try to combine different fellows suggesting them to travel to Amsterdam at the same time.

During the Fellowship in Amsterdam, you will be working in a creative team thinking together about the directions for the development of the Netherlands Education Group. You will be asked to make the presentations with your ideas and work in a team on designing new ideas.

During the Fellowship you will be guided by the staff of the Netherlands Education Group who will provide the needed mentorship.

While being in Amsterdam you will be asked to visit various organizations representing the Netherlands Education Group mission.

We started the program of Fellowship in Amsterdam as the opportunity for us to find young talented people from different countries who can help us to spread the information about our programs! And for those young people who can show their motivation and the ability to bring great contribution to our work we would like to offer the opportunity to visit Amsterdam and work here together on finding the further ways for the development of the organization.

Financial conditions

We cover the following costs:

  • Round trip to and from Amsterdam
  • Accommodation in Amsterdam for 3 months
  • Meals during the Fellowship in Amsterdam

For participants outside of the EU, we will provide a visa invitation.

How to apply?

If you are interested in please send us your CV and motivation letter in English to the email address office@uconsulting.nl.
Please, indicate “Fellowship in Amsterdam (Summer Internship)” as the subject.

There is no deadline for the applications. We consider the applications upon receiving them. Successful applicants will be invited to start the first stage of the Fellowship – approximately for the duration of 6 months and after completing the first stage they will be invited to come to Amsterdam for 3-month Fellowship. The stay in Amsterdam is possible during any time of the year – the exact dates are to be discussed between the applicant and the organization. During Stage 2 a fellow can spend in Amsterdam less than 3 months in case if he/she is willing to do so.

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