Вакансія тренера / координатора для міжнародного молодіжного семінару

1-4 березня 2016 року Європейська молодіжна фундація Ради Європи проводитиме семінар із залученням 40 різноманітних громадських організацій. На цей захід шукають тренерів та координаторів. Всі витрати покриваються.

Місце: Страсбург, Франція.

Дедлайн: 8 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

From 1 to 4 March 2016, the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe is organising a seminar with representatives of youth NGOs experienced in running youth projects. 40 young people will be selected by the European Youth Foundation to exchange updates, news and views about the way the EYF works since 2013 and about the (perceived) role of the EYF in supportingcivil society, based on the values and principles of the Council of Europe. At this stage the European Youth Foundation is looking for a coordinator and a trainer from the Youth Sector.

The coordinator will be involved in the preparation, the implementation and the follow up of the seminar. His/her role and responsibilities are as follows:

  • Defining and finalising the programme of the seminar in co-operation with the EYF Secretariat;
  • Attending 2 preparatory meetings in Strasbourg: a 2-day meeting on January 2016 (date to be confirmed), and a 1.5-day meeting prior to the seminar on 29 February and 1 March 2016;
  • Working together with the EYF on the programme, methodology and content of the seminar;
  • Acting as a trainer during the seminar from 1 to 4 March 2016;
  • Drafting the report for the European Youth Foundation collecting outcomes, follow-up options and suggestions.

The trainer will be involved during the preparation phase and the implementation of the seminar with following role and responsibilities:

  • Support the EYF team and the co-ordinator in the definition of the programme;
  • Attending 2 preparatory meetings in Strasbourg: A 2-day meeting on January 2016 (date to be confirmed), and a 1.5-day meeting prior to the seminar on on 29 February 2016 and 1 March 2016;
  • Support to the co-ordinator during the training seminar (1-4 March 2016);
  • Be able to carry out ad hoc tasks at the request of the co-ordinator during the seminar.

The following competences are required:


  • Be experienced as a co-ordinator and as a trainer of international/local youth activities specifically/preferably in relation to the work done by the Council of Europe youth sector;
  • Have a good knowledge of the work implemented by the youth sector of the Council of Europe in this area;
  • Have an understanding regarding the role of the EYF within the framework of the Council of Europe youth sector.


  • Have experience as a trainer of youth activities specifically in the field of youth participation;
  • Have a good knowledge of the work implemented by the youth sector of the Council of Europe in this area;
  • Be familiar with the functioning of the EYF;
  • Be able to work in English.

Джерело: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/youth/default_en.asp

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