Тренінговий курс “Experientiality – experience and reflexivity contributing to youth participation”

Молодіжні працівники і лідери, тренери, проектні менеджери запрошуються до участі в тренінговому курсі, сфокусованому на філософії та методології неформального навчання.

Дати: 5 – 13 січня 2016 року.

Місце: Ivancice, Чехія.

Дедлайн: 7 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

‘Experientiality’ will focus equally on the philosophy of and the methodology used by non-formal learning professionals, and on youth participation (particularly in formal education settings), as the common field of action of project partners. Thus the training is exploring the sensitive area where non-formal learning enters the context of formal education.

The training’s main aim is to improve the individual self-awareness and personal competences of non-formal learning professionals (trainers and facilitators) working with youth groups in the field of youth participation. The training’s session will cover the development of a deep sense of self-awareness of trainers and facilitators and of a set of competences related to non-formal learning and youth participation.

In the first part of the training, participants will reflect and evaluate the practices and techniques they use in their work, will share different practices, give/receive feedbacks, and revise personal training style, specifically for trainings to be carried out in formal education settings. The second part of the training will serve as a space to use the newly acquired competences and eventually to revise and/or create new approaches, practices and techniques aiming at increasing the level of youth participation in formal education.

Accommodation, meal and activities costs are entirely covered by the host organization

The health insurance is not provided and will not be reimbursed from the grant. All participants are strongly advised to purchase private travel instance.

Reimbursements of travel costs will be made accordingly to the Erasmus+ rules.

Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/experientiality-experience-and-reflexivity-contributing-to-youth-participation.5409/

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