Волонтерство у сфері органічного землеробства та в стилі Середніх віків Скандинавської культури

Для тих, хто шукав незвичну та оригінальну тематику для довгострокового проекту!

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів у Данію.

Волонтерство у сфері органічного землеробства – дедлайн 4 березня та волонтерство в стилі Середніх віків Скандинавської культури – дедлайн 28 лютого!

Детальніше – нижче англійською мовою.

1) Viden Djurs – Kalø Økologiske Landbrugsskole

Activity period: 1st August 2019- 31st July 2020

Kalø Økologisk Landbrugsskole is the only school in Denmark educating young people in the field of organic agriculture. The approximately 100 students and future farmers are instructed in domestic animal care, cultivation of plants, technical skills, social studies, economics, production and management.

The school is placed in a very beautiful Danish countryside near water, forest and cultivated fields.

Personally and collectively we highly value ecology, community, development, credibility and quality in everything we do.

Volunteer profile

The recruitment process is open to all, but it would be generally preferred that the volunteer should have a keen interest in learning about agriculture, organic farming and sustainability.

Kalø Økologisk Landbrusskole will highly value a volunteer who is not afraid of getting his or her hands dirty from digging up vegetables or helping out taking care of the animals in the stables

How to apply

In order to apply please fill out the application form by following the link (https://d22dvihj4pfop3.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2017/03/04155956/EVS-Application-Form_AFS-Interkultur_Denmark_w.-host-family1.doc) and send it along with your CV to evs-denmark@afs.org as soon as possible and before the 4th March 2019.

If you have been shortlisted for the project we will contact you for a skype interview before 15th April 2019.

Information about the Sending organization you can find here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6bn984nqifx63o/EVS_Denmark_by%20SO.doc?dl=0


2) Middelaldercentret

Activity period: 1st May 2019 to 31st October 2019

The Medieval Centre is a self-containing foundation, financially supported by state and county authorities. The Centre has some 50.000 visitors p.a. The foundation of the centre states a duty to perform research in early technology and craftsmanship, and to present the results to the public.The Medieval Centre is a non-profit institution, dedicated to the research in and educational presentation of 14th century urban culture in Denmark. Physically, the centre consists of a reconstructed medieval town, in which the educational work takes place as re-enactment by staff dressed in reconstructed clothing and houses, acting as medieval people.Events at the center include knight tournaments, knight shows, trebuchets, canon and bombards, markets, midsummers eve, autumn vacation activities as well as private events.

Volunteer profile

We expect the volunteer to be flexible and willing to try different kinds of work. The volunteer must be openminded, curious and interested in learning more about nature and history. The volunteer must like to spend time outdoors, as many of our activities are outdoor activities. The vounteer must be able to speak English at a conversational level and willing to learn Danish (Scandinavian).It’s important to point out that when the volunteer work in the medieval city no modern things is allowed. Fx no piercings, no visible tattoos, only jewelry which is medieval approved and so on. And no glasses. Lenses are okay. So it’s important that the volunteer can see without glasses or can use lenses.

How to apply

In order to apply please fill out the application form by following the link (https://d22dvihj4pfop3.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2017/03/04155848/EVS-Application-Form_AFS-Interkultur_Denmark_Boarding-schools3.doc) and send it along with your CV to evs-denmark@afs.org as soon as possible and before the 28th February 2019.

If you have been shortlisted for the project we will contact you for a skype interview before the 15 April 2019

Information about the Sending organization you can find here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6bn984nqifx63o/EVS_Denmark_by%20SO.doc?dl=0

For more info go here: https://www.afs.dk/over18/evs-hosting-opportunities-in-denmark/ 

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