Тренінговий курс онлайн про ментальне здоров’я та психологічний добробут волонтерів

 Що: training course on mental health in volunteering projects

Формат: on-line training Course | Poland

Коли: 2-16 November 2020

Дедлайн: 15 вересня, результат 2 жовтня

Для кого: Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, members of hosting organisations working directly with volunteers

Опис проєкту:

The training course will guide the participants towards better quality in supporting E+/ESC/EVS volunteers´ emotional well-being and understanding of the field of mental health and its importance for everyone.

Please note, that this is an on-line event.

The training course will guide the participants towards better quality in supporting E+/ESC/EVS volunteers´ emotional well-being and understanding of the field of mental health and its importance for everyone.

Target group: volunteering project coordinators, members of hosting organisations working directly with volunteers/ assigning tasks.

With this TC we want to:

  • Equip pax with means to support volunteers in their emotional and psychological well-being, to recognize signs of possible mental crisis
  • Equip pax with means to support the project environment close to the volunteer (co-workers, staff of the organisation, flatmates, co-volunteers) when such crisis occurs
  • Enable pax to set the boundary beyond which reaching for a professional help is necessary
  • Help pax to map institutions / organisations etc. able to help them in their close environment in order to create a safety network
  • Show pax how they can support themselves in times of crisis during the volunteering project
  • COVID-19 and how the pandemic influenced volunteers and organisations


2 – 16 November 2020, sessions each Monday and Thursday 10 am to 13 pm CEST


A. Biba Rebolj (UK) – trainer profile

Agnieszka Szczepanik (PL)

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