Литва: волонтером в дитячий садок та публічну бібліотеку

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів на відразу два проекти у Литві – дитячий садок та публічну бібліотеку. Детальніше англійською мовою – нижче. 

Коли: 04/03/2019 – 30/08/2019 (6 місяців)

Де: Skuodas, Lithuania

Дедлайн: якомога скоріше, заявки розглядатимуться по мірі надходження!

1) Volunteering in the Kindergarten of Skuodas

The Kindergarten of Skuodas is located in the city of Skuodas which is settled in the Northern part of the Klaipeda county. The city is considered to be the provinces as it only has up to 5, 000 inhabitants.

Our institution has been actively working in the field of preschool education focused on its target group 1,5 – 7 year old children and their parents since the year 2001. During this time efforts have been made to consistently improve child’s educational system and to discover innovative teaching techniques.

The priorities of our institution are to provide high-quality preschool and pre-primary education services, ensuring active child’s self-expression in the educational process.

Strengthen community interaction, create positive relationships between the child, the family and the teacher, based on partnership, communication and cooperation, and respect towards one another.

Більше інформації тут: https://www.dropbox.com/s/auc4cwg0plzxxai/Call%20for%20Volunteers_Skuodas%20Kindergarten.pdf?dl=0


2) Volunteering in the Skuodas district R. Granauskas public library

Skuodas district R. Granauskas public library is a budgetary institution founded in 1939. Currently, the library consists of 15 branches all over the Skuodas district. Our library serves as a centre of information research and the provider of informal educational and leisure activities. The Library is available to everyone. The library is involved in various national projects in order to become modern and serve the needs of its users.

The library provides the following electronic services: book ordering, interlibrary loan, reservation, extension of a term of keeping a book etc. The library provides access to local and international databases, licensed in Lithuanian public libraries. The library organizes various training activities, excursions round the library, volunteers’ activities, new book presentations, lectures, art, exhibitions, cultural performances, programs for reader development, etc.

Більше інформації: https://www.dropbox.com/s/08ion2vz9ieiy6h/Call_for_Volunteers_Skuodas_Municipality_district_R_Granauskas_public_library_2%20round.pdf?dl=0


Interested? What to do?

Send your CV and motivation letter to evspatria@gmail.com, we will arrange a Skype meeting with you.

Don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is Kharkiv non-governmental organization for active youth “Stella” and the name of the chosen project.

Photo: unsplach.com

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