ЄВС-проекти у Швейцарії

НГО “Стелла” шукає учасників на відразу шість яскравих та незабутніх проектів у Швейцарії! Детальний опис кожного із волонтерських проектів ви можете знайти нижче, дедлайн – 30 вересня.
1. Fri-Son, Fribourg (French and German speaking area).
Fri-Son is a music club, which exists since 1983. Fri-Son hosts more than 45,000 spectators a year.
Requirement: Interest for music, like practical work and ready to work by night.
Activity duration, 6 months: 1st of February 2019 – 31st of July 2019.
Project website: www.fri-son.ch
2. ICYE Switzerland, Berne (German speaking area).
ICYE aims to connect people from different cultures and backgrounds. ICYE organize cultural exchange programs: send Swiss youths abroad for short- (1-4 months) and long-term (6 or 12 months) exchanges and receive youths from abroad (from all 5 continents) for long-term exchanges.
Requirement: Interest in coordination work in an international field, knowledge in German and English.
Activity duration, one year: 1st of March 2019 – 28th of February 2020
Project website: www.icye.ch
3. Insieme Vaud, Lausanne (French speaking).
Insieme Vaud is a nonprofit association with more than 55 years experience in the field of mental disability. The volunteer will support the association at the office and during the camps
Requirement: Interest in working with handicap people, French knowledge
Activity duration: 1st of February 2019 –31st of August 2019 – 7 months
Project website: http://insiemevaud.ch
4. Kinder im Mittelpunkt: Basel (German speaking area).
KiM – Kinder im Mittelpunkt is an organization that is active in the children’s and youth work. KiM operates mainly a meeting-place for children and young people in Allschwil, the “Jugendland”.
Requirement: Interest in working with children and basic German knowledge
Project duration, one year: 2nd of March 2018 – 28th of February 2019
Project website www.jugendland.ch
5. LivrEchange Intercultural Library, Fribourg (French and German speaking area).
The intercultural library provides books in 190 different languages as well as different activities and workshops for adults and children.
Requirement for the volunteer: French knowledge and driving license
Activity duration, 10 months: 1st of March 2019 – 31st of December 2019
Project website: www.livrechange.ch
6. Mère Sofia foundation, social work, Lausanne (French speaking area).
The foundation Mère Sofia is a welfare organization which helps the most impoverished. They have got different departments for this action: a soup kitchen and an itinerant social service.
Requirement: Motivation to be in contact with person in precarious situations, to like practical work.
Activity duration, 10 months: 1st of March 2019 – 31st of December 2019
Project website: www.meresofia.ch
How to apply?
1. Read carefully the description of the projects.
2. Fill out the candidate application with all needed information (including a picture). You can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lczpk4gf6xlom5g/AAC5ElOax6bc-BEZ6ob_FMRUa?dl=0https://www.dropbox.com/s/bg1u1gdq5j1snhy/EVS_application_form_ICYE.doc?dl=0
3. Send us the application form per mail at the following address: evs-sve@icye.ch
4. Be sure that the name of the EVS project is written in the title of your mail.
5. It is possible to apply for several projects, but you should send a separate application and email for each project.
Не чекай останнього дня дедлайну – подавайся вже зараз! Бажаємо успіхів!

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