НГО “Пангея Ультіма” шукає волонтера на проект у Польщу.

Дедлайн – 30 жовтня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Title of the project: „Multicultural languages cafe“

Time of the project: 12 months.

Information about the organization: The Semper Avanti Association was established in 2000 by a group of young, active people involved in activities towards building an open society, interested in intercultural learning and sensitive to problems in their own society. One of the main aims of the Association is working on the civil activity of young people. The Semper Avanti Association that lokated in Wrocław, Poland, is looking for volunteers for a project that basically aims to promote the language and the culture of foreign countries and the importance of intercultural dialogue tolerance and human rights. Organization looking for creative and sociable people who have the motivation to serve as volunteers and the ability to work as part of a team. if you have mentioned skills and preferences, don’t hesitate and send us your application or contact us for further information!

Volunteering conditions:

  • age 18-30 years;
  • knowledge of English at Intermediate level and above;
  • knowledge of the Polish language will be an advantage;
  • have a desire to work in the intercultural environment;
  • have a sense of responsibility;
  • be flexible and independent;
  • have a desire to learn new skills, to work independently and take on the initiative.

The main aims of the association are:

  •        to promote international co-operation and understanding between young people from different countries and different cultures;
  •         to provide young people with the opportunity to gain international experience for their personal and professional development;
  •          to make young people aware of their cultural heritage, as the base of their awareness;
  •          to develop regional, national and European consciousness of young people;
  •          to promote volunteering- local and international – as a way towards active citizenship;
  •      to promote international co-operation and understanding among young people from different countries and cultures;
  •          to support the interest of young people in historical and political reality in Europe;
  •          to encourage the involvement of young people in cultural initiatives;
  •          to promote Poland and the Lower Silesia region in Europe.

The volunteer will  take part in the following activities:

  • Preparing, implementing and evaluating local cultural projects;
  • Promoting a culture of the origin country of the volunteer (thematic evenings, workshops, exhibitions);
  • Leading own language animations for youth in MLC (like language workshops, regular help in language learning to individuals and language and cultural weekend trips as well as – updating and running website of this activity);
  • Promoting participation in international and European programs with special emphasis on the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ Program;
  • Preparing documentation of the projects (filming, taking pictures);
  • Taking part in EVS promoting projects;
  • Participating and helping in office work and other activities run by Semper Avanti.

The organization wants to give the participants of a project the possibility to learn:

  • Working in a team;
  • Time management;
  • Public speaking;
  • Learning and understanding of Polish culture and mentality;
  • Language and communication skills;
  • Tolerance and respect for other cultures and the understanding of diversity;
  • Practical knowledge about activities of non-governmental organizations;
  • Understanding the role of volunteers in nowadays and future Europe.

Send your CV and Motivation letter till 30 of October 2018 to e-mail: pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com. In the title of e-mail write the title of the project.

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