ЄВС-проект у Польщі

НГО “Стелла” шукає nерміново шукає волонтера на довгостроковий волонтерський проект в Польщі!

Where: Gdańsk, Poland
When: December 2018/January 2019 – November/December 2019 (12 months)
Deadline: 17.11.2018

Organization – Regional Center of Volunteering.

Regional Center of Volunteering in Gdańsk was started in 1993 and since 1997 it has functioned as an independent association. It is an non-profit institution based on coorperation, professionalism and social commitment. Our goal is to popularize the idea of volunteering and civic activity for organizations, institutions and people, as well as comprehensive support for people and institutions interested in such activity. We cooperate with over 3 000 volunteers.
Our mission directs our actions to create strong civil, active and participative society, based on the principles of equality.
Our goal is to reach the inhabitants of Gdańsk and the surrounding area regardless of their age, gender, education or social status.

The main permanent programs of the organization are:

  • Leading the Gdańsk Volunteer Center – mediation between non-governmental organizations and institutions willing to engage volunteers
  •  Senior Fund of Gdańsk – implemented since 2013, the project is created as a response to the low level of voluntary involvement of older people. The fund is based on a mini-grant mechanism. The purpose of this project is to co-finance initiatives / events proposed by seniors
  •  Employee volunteering – as part of the program, we stimulate and activate representatives of the private sector in order to create actions dedicated for the local community and the city.
  •  Volunteering in sport – supporting large sports events both in their service and in the city’s support in the public space (including the Handball World Championships of Men EHF Euro 2016, two Gdańsk Marathons, triathlons)

Our center also implements other programs in order to reach the largest possible audience, including such programs as School Volunteering, Volunteer Week in Gdańsk or Volunteer Program at the European Solidarity Center.

Short description of the project:
“Volunteering: ins and outs” is a project, in which the Regional Volunteering Centre will invite two volunteers from abroad for a 12-month long term. As an actively working Volunteering Centre, we are able to offer many opportunities in which they would be able to observe how the centre works. We, as the organisation, would have an opportunity to gain experience in the Erasmus project and to broaden our volunteering activities. In result, we will be able to support different organisations and projects of Gdańsk as a coordinator.
We are planning to host two volunteers. Their main areas of work include: integration of volunteers from Gdańsk, participation in Gdańsk’s Week of Volunteering, school and senior volunteering, promotion of volunteering and the activities related to it: social media, website, graphic design, copywriting.

The objective of the project is to cooperate with two foreign organisations and long-term volunteering visit of two foreign volunteers in Gdańsk where they will have an unique opportunity to gain new experience. In addition, we as the centre will have a chance to develop. Our next step will be an active participation in ERASMUS project, as a sending and coordinating organisation and cooperation with other foreign organisations.

Method used during the project: team meetings with members as well as with their mentor, project method, co-creation new initiatives and implementing them, experience sharing, job shadowing, participating in various volunteering actions and evaluation of their tasks.

• 18-30 years old
• Interest in the project

 Financial conditions
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. All expenses for visa, insurance, accommodation, food and international travel costs are fully covered. The volunteer will also receive pocket money monthly.

How to apply?
In order to apply please send your CV and motivation letter in English (no more than 1 page) to evs@ngo-stella.org and make clear why you’d like to take part in this project.
In the subject of your e-mail please indicate «EVS in Regional Center of Volunteering in Gdańsk ».

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