8 волонтерських проектів у Північній Італії

Тематика проектів найрізноманітніша – робта в молодіжному центрі, з дітьми, у школі в невеличкому селищі тощо.

Дедлайн – 17 грудня.

Place: Northern Italy
Dates: September 2017 – June 2018/July 2018/August 2018
Duration: 10, 11 or 12 months
Age: 18-30
Expenses: international travel, insurance, visa costs, accommodation, money for food and pocket money and provided by the grant of the European Commission.

1. CIVICA manages several nursing home – 2 vacancies available – 1 for a boy and the other for a girl.

2. Comune di Lavis and Youth policies – 1 vacancy.

3. Youth Center Juvenes based in the bilingual city of Bolzano (German and Italian) – 1 vacancy.

4. Youth Center Vintola based in the bilingual city of Bolzano (German and Italian) – 1 vacancy.

5. Villaggio SOS Saronno working with children and young people facing family difficulties – 1 vacancy. Only male applications will be taken into account.

6.  Fondazione San Vigilio manages a boarding school in a small village in a valley. This place is very far away from the city and volunteers should like the nature. Be aware that the students are between 15 and 19 years old, an age that is not easy to manage – 2 vacancies available.

All the information about projects can be found here – http://www.incoweb.org/News/VOLUNTEERS-WANTED-in-Northern-Italy! (the link works only if you put the exclamation sign in the end).

Application procedure:
1. Fill in the application form – attached.
2. Send us your application form to evs.stella@gmail.com by December 17, 23:59.
3. If you would like to apply to more than one vacancy, applications must be done separately – the documents and evaluation must be specific in different emails with proper subject.

!!! It is important to remember that application cannot be sent separately by the volunteers. You have to apply through our sending organization. Therefore, after filling in the application form, you have to send it to us and we will forward it to our Italian colleagues !!!

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