ЄВС-проект у Латвії

НГО “Стелла” терміново шукає 2 учасників довгострокового ЄВС у Латвії.

Дедлайн – 15 червня.

Детальний опис англійською:

“Grow, Latvia!” is an 12 months EVS project with arrival date for volunteers in August, 2018.


Volunteers will work on the development of entrepreneurial competencies among youth, youth (un)employment, cultural diversity, mobility for the organizations and the local community. Thus both helping the organizations to develop and learning entrepreneurship and active European citizenship on the way. We expect them to achieve large scale, systemic and sustainable social change through a new invention, a different approach, a more rigorous application of known technologies or strategies, or a combination of these.

1. Provide Ukrainian youth to try themselves as start-uppers, develop the sense of initiative, confidence of their powers, provide learning space for new knowledge and skills which will help them with future social business initiatives back home;
2. Develop inclination toward active citizenship; increase youth participation in community and civic life;
3. Promote social support and inclusion among young people;
4. Promote Erasmus+ programme as an engine for great initiatives with visible results. We want to motivate participants of “Grow, Latvia!” to create productive ideas under objectives of Erasmus+ for projects submitted in the future;
5. Assist Latvian organization in becoming more independent and sustainable;

Participants (volunteers) will have the possibility to improve their:

  •  sense of initiative, as a volunteers are encouraged to propose new ideas for all kind of youth projects which
  • correspond to our organization’s aims,
  •  competences in social entrepreneurship,
  •  knowledge of media, learning by experience methodology,
  •  knowledge on European opportunities in youth field,
  •  level of tolerance and mutual understanding working with different target groups and nationalities,
    management of projects and project writing,
  •  language skills, in English and Latvian.


EVS “Grow, Latvia!” will be implemented in frames of the ERASMUS+ Programme. Accommodation, living, working materials & other project (EVS) related expenses will be funded 100% by the European Commission.
Travel (flights, other means of transport) expenses are compensated (up to 100%), based on the distance from location of organisation to the location of the project.

More information about hosting organization:

In order to apply please fill in this form https://goo.gl/JDbfdL
Deadline – 15 June 2018

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