EVS-проект в Ірландії

Наявні вакансії для чотирьох волонтерів. Усі чотири проекти пов’язані із роботою із соціально незахищеними людьми, зокрема, із безхатьками.

Дедлайн – 6 січня 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Place: Northern Ireland
Dates: July 2017 – June 2018
Duration: 11 months
Age: 18-30
Expenses: international travel, insurance, visa costs, accommodation, money for food and pocket money and provided by the grant of the European Commission.
Name of the hosting organization: Depaul Northern Ireland

Deadline to apply – January, 6, 18:00

Available projects and their descriptions:

1. Stella Maris 

Stella Maris is a Low Threshold, Harm Reduction homeless accommodation Service providing 24/7 support to long term street drinkers in the North Belfast area of Northern Ireland. The project works within a principle of ‘harm reduction’ which means that we work with service users at their level to provide the best possible interventions for them. Because of the needs of the service users the project has allocated communal areas where service users can consume their own alcohol on site under alcohol management procedures. The project provides its service users with a safe and comfortable home. It provides all the services one would normally expect in a hostel from single room accommodation to full catering and laundry facilities. During service users stay, they are also engaged in a key working system which allows them to gain access to welfare rights advice, health care, education and training and any other specialist services that they may need. Most importantly, the project provides a homely environment where people can feel safe and comfortable and begin to address the issues which may have led to them becoming homeless in the first place. Service Users are supported to move on to their own independent tenancy via the Housing First Service. Service users may be living chaotic lives and it can be a challenge for volunteers to engage them in activities. Depaul celebrates even the smallest of achievement and volunteers should be patient when working with this client group who can be challenging and apathetic due to low self esteem and alcohol related health problems.

Stella Maris Tasks Our aim is to open new possibilities for the project and its service users through the inclusion of volunteers. While the project staff often have to focus on the basic service provision the volunteers can concentrate solely on additional activities which will be of great benefit to the service users.

  • Music: We have a number of musical instruments including percussion. – – Life skills: literacy, health awareness, hygiene, relaxation
  • Arts & Crafts: Painting, mosaics, crafts, Cookery: We have a canteen facility
    – photography, creative projects
  • Games: board games, pool/snooker, computer games etc
  • Gardening: We have 2 small yards with plants, trees, herbs and vegetables
  • Accompany service users on trips outside the project / Befriending
  • Spending time to talk and get to know the service users
  • Volunteers own project – build on your own personal skills & interests

Stella Maris Volunteer Essential Skills 

  • Very patient and have the ability to inspire and motivate a challenging client group
  • Empathic and non-judgmental
  • Ability to use initiative and be flexible and open to new situations – Interested in, and a basic understanding of the issues around homelessness
  • Willing to work with people who are on the margins of society
  • A good level of written and spoken English

2. Homeless Families 

The Homeless Families Project (Mater Dei and Cloverhill) are supported accommodation services for vulnerable families experiencing homelessness (ie. ranging from expectant mother through to mother, father and children). The Services have 14 / 18 self contained family units. There are large communal areas for the service users. The displacement of families is due to any number of factors such as inappropriate living arrangements, overcrowding, domestic violence, bereavement, family relationship break down. Some of our resident parents are very young themselves and have had very little life experience. It is important that families are kept together and provided with high levels of support during any period of transition. Families are appointed a key worker to ensure they receive the appropriate support. A support plan (life skills, budgeting, parenting skills and health support) is developed between the service user and worker. The project provides the time and space during which families can address the issues which led to their housing crisis. The project supports families to gain practical skills which enable them to adapt to life after they have left the project. Floating Support workers support service users who move into their own tenancies.

Mater Dei is situated in a residential area of North Belfast. It is close to a main road into the city centre. Buses are frequent and it is approximately a 30-45 minute walk to the main shopping area at the centre of the city.
Cloverhill is situated in a large residential area of West Belfast. It is located on a main road with buses into the city centre which take approximately 50 minutes.
Volunteers will be placed with both host projects over different days of the week.

Homeless Families Project Tasks:
Our aim is to open new possibilities for the project and its service users through the inclusion of volunteers. While the project staff often have to focus on the basic service provision the volunteers can concentrate solely on additional activities which will be of great benefit to the service users.

Because service users’ have their own flats in the building it can be difficult to get them to socialize and participate in activities within the Project.

On arrival, each volunteer will be inducted into the policies and procedures of the project. This will include training around safety procedures, professional boundaries, child protection, crisis prevention and intervention, importance of using team communication and other issues relating to working in a residential setting.

Homeless Families Volunteer Essential Skills:

  • Empathic and non-judgmental
  • Patient and self motivated
  • Ability to use initiative and be flexible and open to new situations
  • Interested in, and a basic understanding of the issues around homelessness
  • Willing to work with children (of all ages) and parents who are on the margins of society
  • A good level of written and spoken English

More about both projects and some additional information about the hosting organization you can find in the attached documents.

Application procedure:
In order to fairly assess each candidate’s suitability for each project, we ask each candidate to complete Depaul Northern Ireland EVS Application (attached). Volunteers are also required to produce 2 work/study related references. A good level of spoken English is required as much of our work requires the ability to communicate and build relationships with our service users. The completed application form should be sent both to
volunteerni@depaulcharity.net and evs.stella@gmail.com.


Copy of Depaul EVS Homeless Project Final 2015-2016.pptx_

Depaul NI (Belfast) EVS Volunteer Application Form 2017-18

Depaul NI EVS HANDBOOK 2017-18

Depaul NI EVS Letter to potential volunteers 2017-18

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