ЄВС-проект у Німеччині

ЄВС у Берліні – мрія? Реальність! Довгострокове волонтерство у найбільшому в Європі молодіжному / сімейному центрі можливе разом із НГО “Стелла”.
Коли: June 2019 – July 2020 (на 12 місяців)
Де: Берлін, Німеччина
Дедлайн: as soon as possible (заявки розглядатимуться по мірі надходження)
Would you like to improve your German skills, learn about project management in FEZ-Berlin?
We are looking for 4 volunteers interested in learning German and showcasing their creative skills while working with children.
FEZ-Berlin is Europe’s biggest Youth and Family Center. It offers creative games, fun and relaxation and the programme includes education, new experiences and culture.
The methods FEZ-Berlin uses to carry out its projects, are participation and inclusion-oriented forms of action which invite individuals to become actively involved and to gather authentic experiences of open dialogue and cooperation, of intercultural and inter-religious exchange. Our volunteers will become ambassadors of our work and after the EVS period they will have received concrete work experience for their transition on to a job. The volunteers will actively be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation phases and will successively receive more responsibility and gradually become independent. Throughout the project the activities are carried on in tandem or in teams, thus the volunteers will acquire social skills, the ability to cooperate, compromise and solve conflicts.
Have a look at our website and send your application (a CV and motivation letter) to m.kunsmann@fez-berlin.de.
Don’t forget to indicate in the letter, that your sending organization is KHARKIV NON-GOVERNMENTAL ASSOCIATION FOR ACTIVE YOUTH “STELLA” with PIC number 947609200.

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