3 ЄВС-проекти в Німеччині

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів.

Місце: district Steinfurt, Німеччина
Дати: січень 2019 – вересень 2019
Витрати: всі витрати на подорож, проживання, харчування та тренінги під час волонтерства забезпечуються грантом від Європейської Комісії + волонтеру надаються гроші на кишенькові витрати та місцевий транспорт.
 Дедлайн: 15 листопада 2018
Більше інформації про проекти англійською мовою:
1) Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land
The „Berufskolleg“ is a vocational school which offers apprenticeship in many different fields. For example there is a school for electrical technicians, kindergarten teachers, hairdressers, IT Assistants and many more. The well equipped school in Ibbenbüren offers therefore a wide range of possibilities, also for you as a volunteer.
Your tasks as an European volunteer: you will be integrated in the daily routine of the vocational school. You can support and accompany some teachers and help in after school activities. Your own ideas are always welcome and you can bring your own interests and skills in. Furthermore you can start you own project and offer an activity for the young adults.
2) Youth center Hopsten
The youth center in Hopsten is a meeting point for children and youth from 10 to 16 years. The activities are geared to the needs of children and young people. Further the center offers a holiday program.
Your tasks as an European volunteer: you will be integrated in the daily routine of the youth center and get to know the children and young adults. You can bring in your own ideas and interests and offer your own activities. Cooperation, communication and relationship work is one of your main tasks.
3) Ibbenbürener Spielvereinigung 08 e.V.
The Spvg. Ibbenbüren is a sports club for football, handball and rugby. They have different teams in different ages practicing together. Besides doing sports, the club-members help whipping into shape their sports-club. The executive committee manages the club and tries to satisfy their members by including them into the decisions. Connecting people through sports and enable people to have an active life is their goal. You will also coach children and teenagers. Furthermore there is a cooperation with a local art school which offers even more activities.
Your tasks as an European volunteer : you will be integrated in the daily routine of the sports-club. In the best case you can play either football or handball or at least like those sports.
As a European volunteer, you can get to know the sports-club’s activities and participate in different projects. Further, you can bring in your own ideas for example in their YouTube-channel or their club-magazine.
For three volunteers who will aprticipate in these projects : your home for a year will be a district of Steinfurt. During your stay in Germany you will live in a shared flat with other volunteers in district Steinfurt. With your bus ticket that you will get, you can travel trough the whole district and visit your new friends and bigger cities like Münster and Osnabrück.
 Як подати заявку 
Будь ласка, дуже уважно читайте описи кожного проекту, завантажуйте заявку (https://www.dropbox.com/s/jmeczn0l6iryi0i/Application%20form.docx?dl=0) та надсилайте її разом з вашим СВ на англійській мові на youth@kreis-steinfurt.de не пізніше 15 листопада. Будь ласка, зауважте, що на кожний проект заявка повинна бути окремою та якісно заповненою!
У ваших листах, будь ласка, вказуйте, що подаєте заявку від “Kharkiv non-governmental association for active youth “Stella”.

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