ЄВС-проект у Німеччині

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів для довгострокових проектів у Німеччині, спрямованих на роботу у молодіжних центрах.
Коли: січень 2019 – січень 2020
Де: district Steinfurt, Німеччина
Дедлайн: 8 жовтня, 23:59
1) Youth centre Hörstel
The youth centre consists of four small centres, which are well equipped and can be reached by the visitors easily. They have different target groups: they work with children from 7 to 12 years but also with youth from 11 to 21 years. They follow a low threshold approach which means that their activities should be open to everyone and easily accessable. They have an Internet Café, do educational work with media, have music related projects and outdoor education as well as gender related work with boys and girls. Additionally they organize activities for the holidays and a summer camps.
Your tasks as an European volunteer:
In the youth centers you can contribute your own ideas and make suggestions. As a member of a team you can tell your ideas and get support from your colleagues. Cooperation, communication and relationship work is one of your main tasks. You will work in two of the four houses. While playing games, talking and supporting the children you can get access to them.
2) Youth center Hopsten
The youth center in Hopsten is a meeting point for children and youth from 10 to 16 years. The activities are geared to the needs of children and young people. Further the center offers a holiday program.
Your tasks as an European volunteer:
You will be integrated in the daily routine of the youth center and get to know the children and young adults. You can bring in your own ideas and interests and offer your own activities. Cooperation, communication and relationship work is one of your main tasks.
n order to apply, please send the application form (https://www.dropbox.com/s/or10hqiy7dmlp61/Application%20form_Germany.doc?dl=0) to youth@kreis-steinfurt.de latest by 8th of October with a state of which projects they want to apply for.
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1 Відповідь

  1. Вікторія :

    Доброго дня.
    Можна, будь ласка, детальнішу інформацію які вимоги та рівень англійської мови?

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