EVS-проект у Франції

Харківська НГО “Стелла” оголошує про вакансію волонтера на довготерміновий проект “Communication and support to the intercultural projects”. Під час проекту волонтер буде організовувати міжнародні волонтерські табори та працювати з молоддю.

Дедлайн подачі заявки: 5 січня 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Place: Lyon, France
Dates: September 2017 – September 2018
Duration: 1 year
Age: 18-30
Expenses: international travel, insurance, visa costs, accommodation, money for food and pocket money and provided by the grant of the European Commission.
Name of the hosting organization: Concordia Rhône-Alpes
Deadline to apply – January, 5, 23:59
Description of the hosting organization:
Concordia is a French national non-governmental and non-profit making organization, founded in 1950 by English, German and French youngsters. Their aim was to enhance the values of tolerance and peace after the 2nd world war by organizing international workcamps of young volunteers.

The main objectives of Concordia are the following:

  • Education in helping young people to grow up by acquisition of collective life.
  • Culture in favoring the youth exchanges on an international level, always emphasizing the values of peace, friendship and mutual respect.
  • Social in taking part in concrete actions of solidarity, as well as supporting a civic attitude.
  • Social economy in contributing to the realization of local development, in favor of the environment, patrimony, tourism and socio-educational animation.
Project environment:
The office of Concordia Rhône-Alpes is situated in Lyon, the 3rd biggest city of France, at the East. Lyon benefits from a temperate climate and offers all kinds of services and its access to leisure is well developed. It’s a really touristic city, with a strong cultural patrimony.

Tasks and activities:
The volunteer will be asked to support Concordia staff in communication, in order to present and promote Concordia’s voluntary service activities. The aim of this project is also to help with the preparation of the workcamps season, and other kind of intercultural projects we organize.

In particular the activities deal with: 

1. Communication (all year long)
Participate in events promoting voluntary service, and Concordia’s activities;
Present the “Erasmus +” program, and particularly the part for Youths;
Meet youngsters willing to do an EVS, and talk about your own experience;
Promoting voluntary service with new tools, to be defined. For Ex: creation of a booklet with records about different voluntary experiences;
Be in contact with local partners, to participate in the reinforcement of Concordia’s networks. This could help us to create bonds with other structures, with the implementation of new shared activities;

Support Concordia’s staff in the redaction of the presentation of our actions, and their translation in English, and other little administrative tasks related to external communication.
2. Workcamps season (generally from june to september)
To assist Concordia’s staff during the workcamp season and before, for its logistic preparation. Practical support is needed for various tasks: preparation of material for workcamps (tents, tools…), link with the local communities which hosts the workcamps, communication….
To co-lead an international workcamp (2 or 3 weeks) after having participated to a specific animation training (it depends on the volunteer’s interest and capacities)

3. Intercultural projects (all year long)
To assist Concordia’s staff in the development of projects in the frame of Erasmus + program (Youth Exchanges, Training courses…). This can mean to do some promotion, and help to the preparation regarding practical matters, but also to help with the animation.
The volunteer will also have the opportunity (if he/she wants) to develop hiw/her own intercultural project during the year.

The detailed activities will be defined both by the volunteer and Concordia’s staff, according to the volunteer’s skills and interests.

  • Adaptation, to be communicative and easy to approach to a different audience;
  • To speak good English and/or French or to be motivated to learn fast French;
  • Motivation for the themes of communication and international workcamps, and intercultural awareness;
  • Availability for a 12 months project starting in the beginning of september 2017.

Practical conditions:
Working Hours : The volunteer will work approx. 30 hours per week
Working and living conditions: Accommodation and food will be provided. The volunteer will be accommodated in the Concordia’s regional office “House of Volunteers”, which is located in Lyon, alongside the office. He/she will have his/her own room and he/she will have common access to the bathroom, kitchen, living room and courtyard. In addition the volunteer will get pocket money (115€ per month). Internet access will be also available.

Application procedure:
Please, send your CV and motivation letter both to evs.stella@gmail.com and to cd.rhone-alpes@concordia.fr (coordinator’s name is Estelle DUQUESNOIS) and write „Communication and support to the intercultural projects” in the subject of the e-mail. In your e-mail, pelase mention that you apply for this project on behalf of Kharkiv non-governmental association for active youth “Stella”.

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