8 ЄВС-проектів у Данії

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів для відразу восьми проектів у Данії різного спрямування. Описи проектів та посилання для завантаження аплікаційної форми наведені нижче.
1) University College Nordjylland
Period: 01.02.19-18.12.19
Number of volunteers: 1
The volunteer will be working in the central international office – UCN International (UCNI), led by International Director (constituted). The department assists and facilitates the implementation of strategic internationalization activities across the various campuses and departments, such as international partnerships, the Erasmus+ Charter, all types of scholarships, marketing, recruitment, admission and retention of international degree students with employability activities, interpretation, international development projects, and fostering an international student/study environment.
Period: 01.02.19-30.08.19
Number of volunteers: 1
When volunteering at NICOLAI the volunteer will be working alongside cultural coordinators, artistic personnel, and cultural professionals of all kinds.
The volunteer will have the opportunity to develop and facilitate your own projects within NICOLAI’s existing framework, working from a perspective of co-creation and design thinking. Specifically NOCOLAI is looking for a volunteer to take on the task of creating cultural events in our beautiful courtyard, directed towards a younger demographic aged 15-35.
3) Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter
Period: 01.02.19-31.01.20
Number of volunteers: 2
Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter Boatyard builds new Smack Dinghies, carry out restorations and maintain the center’s own Smack Dinghies. All the rental dinghies will come into the boatyard once every year for general maintenance. That way Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter makes sure that all the boats are in good condition.
The boatyard also functions as working museum seeing that the work is being done similar to the old traditional boat building craftsmanship. Visitors are very welcome to come and have a look inside – questions and exchanges of experience are welcomed.
4) Brenderup Højskole
Period: 02.01.19-01.01.20
Number of volunteers: 1
Examples of activities in which the volunteer could be involved:
  • Practical work, such as maintenance of our buildings.
  • Sustainability – working with sustainability as the main issue in daily life. Growing herbs, ensuring diversity by gardening, collecting fruit and berries, making activities/workshops about sustainable living.
  • Facilitating intercultural activities.
  • Facilitating sport activities.
  • Office work (making brochures, taking photos/videos, updating facebook e.g.).
  • The volunteers will have opportunities to assist the teachers in the subjects for which the volunteer has a special commitment or knowledge about.
5) Bernards Hus
Period: 01.05.19-01.04.20
Number of volunteers: 1
Bernards Hus is a private institution for 4-7 light mentally handicapped persons, situated near Assens on Funen. The people living here are able to do personal tasks by themselves, and they all work in sheltered workshops, 3 of them here on the farm, the rest in nearby places. The aim of Bernards Hus is to make these people able to move in a flat and be able to take care of themselves outside an institution, if it is possible.
6) Middelaldercentret
Period: 01.05.19-31.10.19
Number of volunteers: 2
The Centre expects the volunteers to take an active part in the daily educational work, dressed in reconstructed clothing and acting as citizens of the medieval town. Informal training will be provided as needed, and the volunteers may among other things be required to take part in tournaments, demonstrations of siege engines, and similar activities – depending on the personality and abilities of each individual.
7) Kassebølle Friskole
Period: 15.02.19-14.02.20
Number of volunteers: 2
The volunteers will participate in the daily morning gathering and the teaching as a supportive adult where it makes sense and where their interests are in particular, as well as in the afterschool program. We would very much like to invite our volunteers to make presentations about their country or their interests in a school context.
In our school there will be workdays with practical work where the families attend the school and we have a joint meal and do practical work a couple of times a year. In addition, during the school year, there will be educational meetings that the volunteers will need to attend as well as traditions around yearly festivals and more.
8) Højskolen Snoghøj
Period: 15.01.19-14.01.20
Number of volunteers: 1
Højskolen Snoghøj is looking for a volunteer handling the following tasks:
  • Documenting student’s activities and everyday life at the school (with a camera)
  • Recording the performances and artistic projects
  • Editing and graphic work
  •  Strategic web communication and the opportunity to work with Social Media.
The volunteer will be a part of the special fellowship which you find on a folk high school. He/she will participate in the subjects in the spare time, and through the entire stay the staff will help and support the volunteer whenever needed. The international environment creates the possibility for the volunteer to be part of different intercultural activities and we encourage the volunteer to help create an intercultural environment at the school, bringing students together. This could be done through informal cultural activities, dancing classes, language classes, etc.
A full description of the vacancies, further information and the application forms, the applicants can find on our webpage http://www.afs.dk/over18/evs-hosting-opportunities-in-denmark/
УВАГА! Для аплікаційної форми вам потрібна інформація від відправляючої організації. НГО “Стелла” приймає заявки до 20 липня 23:59 за київським часом, щоб мати можливість повноцінно все заповнити.
Будь ласка, надсилайте свої аплікаційні форми на evs@ngo-stella.org, у темі листа зазначте “EVS in Denmark”.

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