Конкурс “European Drug Prevention Prize”

Група Помпіду Ради Європи проводить конкурс проектів у сфері попередження наркоманії. Проекти мають обов’язково залучати молодих людей (віком до 25 років) та мають бути на стадії імплементації чи вже успішно завершеними.

Журі обере до трьох кращих проектів, які будуть нагороджені премією та отримають винагороду в 5,000 євро для подальшого розвитку своєї роботи в цій сфері.

Детальний опис англійською:

Deadline: 31st July 2016

Open to: projects involving young people under 25


The Pompidou Group’s European Drug Prevention Prize was initially launched in 2004 to highlight innovative drug projects led by young people for young people. It aims at recognition of the importance of active youth participation in building healthier and more favourable environments for all communities in Europe.

It is already the 7th cycle of the European Drug Prevention Prize and a unique possibility for young people involved in the projects to apply for the Prize and demonstrate their commitment for drug prevention. The idea of the Drug Prevention Prize is to recognise the importance of the youth participation, to reward projects involving them and to further promote and support such projects’ contributions towards drug prevention. The projects applying shouldbe implementing new and creative ideas, which can serve as a resource for policy makers, researchers, practitioners and professionals and be a good example for young people in the further development of new projects.

The Jury of the Prevention Prize consists of seven young people aged from 16 to 21 at the time of their application, who will select up to three prize-winners from the applications submitted. The winners will be awarded a trophy and a sum of 5.000 EUR. Prize-winners tell us that winning the Prize has helped them gain greater recognition for their work.


All applicants need to meet the following criteria:

Projects should be implemented in one of the 47 Council of Europe Member States or of the States of Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon,Mexico, Morocco and Tunisia.

Projects must be doing quality drug prevention and fully involve young people (aged under 25)

The projects should be currently running or recently finished.

Innovative projects are sought


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email: pompidou.preventionprize@coe.int

In order to apply, please submit you application by 31st of July (application is HERE)

The official web-page

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