Європейські дні розвитку

Молоді люди віком від 21 до 26 років, які є експертами у своїй справі, запрошуються до подання заявок на участь у молодіжному форумі.

Дати: 15 – 16 червня 2016 року.

Місце: Брюссель, Бельгія.

Дедлайн: 18 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Calling All Young Leaders

Welcome to the online application process for the YOUNG LEADERS programme at European Development Days 2016! We are looking for 16 extraordinary young people ages 21-26, from across the world with proven commitment and community engagement to represent the powerful impact that youth have in the development field. The winners will be ‘movers and shakers’ in their communities and countries who are helping to solve the universal challenges outlined in the EDD programme.

Debate with Global Development Actors

As a YOUNG LEADER, you will speak in the auditorium panel discussions along with key political leaders, and have the opportunity to present your story to the audience, engaging with the delegations of governments and international organisations. On top of speaking in the highest-level debates at the forum, you will have the opportunity of participating in brainstorming sessions and other lab debates to help shape the development policies and practice for the 2030 Agenda. Prior and during the forum, the YOUNG LEADERS will have the opportunity to visit the EU institutions, meet relevant development policy-makers, participate in workshops and present practices from their regions.

How to apply

In order to apply for the YOUNG LEADERS programme, please submit your application by 23.59 CET 18 March 2016. Application forms are available by clicking the APPLY NOW button on the Young Leaders page. You will first need to create a profile on the website and tick the box ‘I want to apply for the Young Leaders Programme’ when creating your profile. Late applications will not be accepted. You will be applying as a speaker’s role for one of the EDD 2016 auditorium sessions, according to the topic of the panel. To complete the form, you must select the EDD topic that you wish to speak about. You must feel comfortable and knowledgeable about the topic of your choice and it must relate closely to your interests and expertise. Do explore the 15 EDD 2016 topics in the ‘About EDD 2016’ page of the website.

Джерело: http://www.eudevdays.eu/young-leaders


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