Літній університет “Europe at the Crossroads”

Студенти та науковці з усього світу запрошуються до участі в літньому університеті, який відбудеться в угорському містечку Кесег з 19 червня по 1 липня. На участь у заході можливо отримати грант.

Дедлайн – 10 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The 2016 International Summer University  focuses on the issue of the current European crisis: the crisis of democracy and European identity. We ask if there is a future for Europe and if yes, in what form it is imaginable. 
It seems clear that the much-needed democratization of the European project presupposes the politicization of European public discourse. Transnational European political movements, networks, coalitions of civil organizations (including those from Central Europe) need to move into this vacuum to compete for the support of an increasingly transnational public, and by doing so define and redefine European public good.
This process is neither fast, nor easy and it is certainly not possible without conflict. We welcome academics and students all around the world to engage in a dialogue about our shared future, the complexities of current transformations, and our growing social responsibility in re-imaging Europe.

The application package must include the following documents:

1) Completed application form
2) Motivation letter (including a 200-word summary of your possible presentation or statement)
3) Curriculum Vitae (please include information on your previous study abroad if any: programs, countries, dates attended)

Participation fee: 400€. Please indicate in the application form which manner you intend to cover your participation costs:
a) Self financed participation (the fee includes accomodation, tuition & one meal per day)
b) Full scholarship (accomodation+ tuiton+one meal per day)
c) Half scholarship (tuition + one meal per day)

For further information please contact:
István Kollai (academic coordinator – info about the program & presentations): info@iask.hu

Anna Bokányi (applications): anna.bokanyi@iask.hu

Джерело: http://www.iask.hu/en/s/3417/international-summer-university

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