Гранти на вивчення естонської мови

Студенти, які зацікавлені у вивченні естонської мови, можуть подавати заявки на участь у гранті від Естонського інституту.

Дати: липень – серпень 2015 року.

Місце: Тарту, Таллінн

Дедлайн: 2 березня

Детальний опис англійською:

In the framework of the Programme of Academic Studies of Estonian Language and Culture Abroad The Estonian Institute offers foreign students (enrolled at non-Estonian universities) free places at Estonian language and culture summer courses organised by Estonian Unversities.

There will be 19 free places for intermediate or advanced students available at summer courses organised by Tallinn University (July 13 – 31 2015) and

20 free places for intermediate or advanced students available at summer courses organised by University of Tartu (intermediate and advanced courses based on English July 27 – August 7 2015).

The free place includes tuition fees, cultural program and accommodation in the least expensive double room. The applicant must cover the costs of travel to and from the course, and meals.

NB! We offer free places only for intermediate or advanced students, who already have basic knowledge of Estonian. We do not offer the free places for beginners. All applicants must send a confirmation letter from their Estonian lecturer or teacher.

In order to apply for a free place you must complete

  • online application form
  • letter of motivation

In addition to reasons for attending the summer course, the applicants should describe in their letter of motivation their academic interest in and connections with Estonia (attended courses, delivered or planned research papers etc);

  • applicants must provide a letter of recommendation by their Estonian language and culture lecturer, which can be sent directly to the Estonian Institute separate from other documents.

NB! In case the applicant has no preference for either Tallinn or Tartu university courses, and can participate in one or the other, he or she should fill a separate application for both universities. A free post will be granted for one course only.

In case the applicant wishes some other form of accommodation than the bed in a double room provided by the Estonian Institute, he or she has to pay the difference. If the applicant does not need accommodation, he or she is asked to state this in the application.

The recipient of a free place is asked to present a written report on the summer course one month after the termination of the course at the latest. The form of the report will be sent to the e-mail address of the course participant provided in his or her application form. Please send the report electronically to the e-mail address katrin.maiste@estinst.ee.

Submission of applications
The application form and its appendices should be sent by the 2 March 2015.
The results will be annonced on website ekkm.estisnst.ee in the beginning of April. We will contact them, who will receive a free place by their e-mail given in application form.

E-mail: katrin.maiste at estinst.ee

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