Естонія: вебінар про успішні молодіжні проєкти

Що: вебінар “Participation&Information: Inspirational Practices”

Формат: online

Де: Estonia

Коли: 21 травня

Дедлайн: 17 травня, результат про відбір 19 травня

Що ви дізнаєтеся на вебінарі?

  • learn from the project leaders what methods and approaches can be used to make a better impact
  • gather ideas how to start a successful project in your country
  • get inspiration on how to make your project visible and improve your communication
  • get tips and tricks how to work with decision makers, partners and young people
  • learn the lessons, do’s and don’t from people who have successfully gone through this process



Bianca Butacu (Youth for Democracy) started her journey in the youth sector in 2015, when she became part of the Active Development Association ADA. Since then, she has taken part in more than 30 Erasmus+ national and international projects being a member of the project team in 15 of those. Bianca is also the coordinator of other local activities and events implemented by ADA, such as the Gheraiesti Park Days Festival or Living Library events, organised for young people. Currently, she works on urban development, but is also the lead editor and coordinator of the Youth for Democracy magazine and website. Her main area of interests and activities are participatory democracy, European Union, European funds, and urban development.

Klaudia Kis (Find the Green) was led by strong system approach from a graduate in economics to project and process management. On the same time, her heart led her to Human Resources consultancy. After that she crazily and irreversibly fell in love with non-formal learning and became a freelance trainer. Since then she has gained a huge personal growth experience and takes every opportunity to raise awareness and work with self-awareness and youth entrepreneurship. She believes that when people are trying to improve their self-awareness they naturally get closer to environmental awareness as well. She plans and facilitates environmental projects because she wouldn’t like to do anything else 🙂

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