Гаряча пропозиція ESC волонтерства в Північній Ірландії

Коли: 01/09/2020 to 31/05/2021

Де: Belfast

Дедлайн – 08.04.2020 включно

About the organization:

Tools for Solidarity (TFS) is a charitable organisation, based in Belfast, which supports artisans and communities in some of the poorest countries in the world by providing high quality refurbished hand tools and sewing machines. TFS has few waged staff and relies on the commitment of people who are involved and wish to become involved in our work.

TFS has three basic aims:

– To provide people, communities and projects with basic hand tools and sewing machines so that they may practice their skills and improve the quality of their own and their community’s life. The tools enable the people who receive them to establish small co-operative and community businesses as well as provide training in vocational schools and opportunities for employment for disabled and women’s groups.

– to raise awareness throughout Northern Ireland (NI) about the issues of sustainable development within our own society as well as in the so-called “Third World”. These issues include the environment, waste and recycling, appropriate technology, self-reliance, sustainability and community development. In the last 5 years we have restarted our education programme with local primary schools and community groups – called Education for Sustainable Development, the programme is run by an Ex-EVS volunteer Laura.

– To provide opportunities for people in NI to participate in worthwhile and valuable work. TFS is particularly committed to working with all sections of the community in NI and to focus on providing sheltered placements for people with special needs and those normally excluded from being able to contribute to society in a positive way.

Tools For Solidarity has 2 main sections for volunteers: Tools and Sewing

– refurbishing treadles for sewing machines

– preparing refurbished sewing machines for shipment to Africa

– refurbishing modern sewing machines for selling

– refurbishing and fixing collected tools

More information you can find here: https://bit.ly/2XjrcyT and https://bit.ly/2UPgL4u

Age limit – 18-30 years old

? In order to apply please fill this questionnaire https://bit.ly/2RmRD3c and send it along with your CV and specific motivation letter to tools.belfast@myphone.coop

Треба швидко написати успішний мотиваційний лист ВЖЕ на сьогодні? Ось тримай 3 короткі відеолекції про 3 різних приклади мотиваційних есе, автор яких отримала стипендію та участь у бажаній освітній програмі. На курс піде +- година часу.

Потрібна повна підтримка для вступу чи пошуку програми за кордоном від А до Я? Консультації, допомога, дієві інструменти? Чекаємо в онлайн-спільноті «UniStudy Community”.

Більше безкоштовних актуальних порад та секретів шукай в рубриці КОРИСНЕ.

А щоб не пропустити жодного дедлайну програми, скачай Календар освітніх можливостей 2020.  Відкриємо секрет: він «вічний», тобто більшість програм повторюється із року в рік.

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