Онлайн-курс про гранти Erasmus + для молоді

Що: MOOC about Erasmus+ funding opportunities for youth

Коли: 1 July – 31 August 2020

Формат: online (no venue)

Локація: Germany

Дедлайн: 28 червня

The massive open online course includes organised learning resources covering all 3 Key-actions of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme. This course is constantly available, you can enrol now!

You can learn any time you want on your computer or mobile device and at your pace. In June-July we will offer number of live webinars focused on youth exchanges and youth worker mobility.

Join this course now!

You will be redirected to Canvas online platform to register for the course.

Target group                               

The target group of the MOOC course are project managers, youth workers, youth leaders, anybody interested in Erasmus+ funding opportunities for the youth field coming from Erasmus+ Programme and Partner countries.

Structure and resources of the MOOC                            

The MOOC is structured into 6 thematic modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Erasmus+: Youth in Action
  • Module 2: Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchanges
  • Module 3: Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility of youth workers
  • Module 4: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership
  • Module 5: Erasmus+ KA3 Structured Dialogue Projects
  • Module 6: Erasmus+ Youth in Action Application procedures


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